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the_voivod: I watched Grimrock II's counter ebb away and did nothing. Grimrock II. I'd say my choices are dubious at best (and if my wallet t'were opened a fly would escape).
I feel your pain. I have been there in sales past. I am fortunate that, this time around, I was coincidentally prepared for such a sale. To make things even better, my wife is surprisingly cool with me going nuts over this sale. Heck, she even watched the counters tick down with me last night and bought me a copy of The Secret of Monkey Island! She does not usually look upon my GOG addiction with such favor, but I'm not about to rock the boat! ^_^
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Tekkaman-James
deja65: snip
IAmSinistar: Again, this is not a GIFTING or TRADING thread. Ones exist already for those purposes. Do not posts requests here.
I hope it's still okay to thank The_Blog here for his Gobliiins freebie he kindly gifted to me :)
You just have to love this community!
Soccorro: It's just, that i'm in a strange symbiosis with I need them and their games in order to survive and they need me to pay for their Extra sized Office-Whirlpool...
Are you calling GOG fat?
CarrionCrow: You aren't the only one. 32 purchases in, and I haven't gotten a free item either.
Same here. So far I've bought eight games, two movies and five gifts and clicked on everything that I saw. No freebie for me.

Either GOG doesn't like me or it knows that I will spent my money anyway.
MarkoH01: I hope it's still okay to thank The_Blog here for his Gobliiins freebie he kindly gifted to me :)
You just have to love this community!
Members gifting on their own is fine. Indeed, it's wonderful.

But people coming here begging for gifts is not.

*Drops to the ground and starts freaking out like a child*
And I Want To Break Free

Sorry, couldn't resist :)
I edited my last post -- happy to be wrong! :D
Dalthnock: You guys aren't getting free games... this is all a massive troll!
madth3: Oh my! I got Gothic for free!!!


Now, that would be a massive troll. :)
Lol, just reading your post made my eyes spark up..............

.......... until, I read the rest of it

madth3, you trolly person you!!!! >:(
Dalthnock: You guys aren't getting free games... this is all a massive troll!
madth3: Oh my! I got Gothic for free!!!


Now, that would be a massive troll. :)
Well, I bought Gothic a couple of days ago, 'coz I had this sudden fear that it would go away, thus rendering my collection irredeemably incomplete... so, that game even popping up in this promotion will be a massive troll.

If anyone gets it for free, I... I will... *waaaaaaaahhhhh*

MarkoH01: I hope it's still okay to thank The_Blog here for his Gobliiins freebie he kindly gifted to me :)
You just have to love this community!
IAmSinistar: Members gifting on their own is fine. Indeed, it's wonderful.

But people coming here begging for gifts is not.
You said "member"!
New Fresh deal: Rayman Origins (-75%) [200]
genkicolleen: You can't, actually. If you don't already own them, they get added to your account.
Tannath: Actually, this time you can. You can get it as a gift, even if you get it for free.
I can vouch for this. Won a game I don't own a few hours ago and was able to gift it. :)
madth3: Oh my! I got Fallout 1+2+Tactics for free!!!


Now, that would be a massive troll. :)
Grargar: Fixed it for you. ;)
Fixed it for you. ;)

*Drops to the ground and starts freaking out like a child*
It will come back - just you wait. And if not - there is so much to do in this world: take a walk, smell the flowers ... oh who I am kidding - GAMES ARE MY LIFE!
Post edited March 03, 2015 by MarkoH01