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CarrionCrow: I'd say root for the robot. The vampire is kinda shit. I've beaten that game, I know. ;)
IAmSinistar: Good deal. I think I'm more likely to play the robot game first anyway. I'm not all that into vampires, honestly, especially nowadays with what they've done with them.
I don't consider the current incarnations to be actual vampires.
I enjoy World of Darkness vampires, would love to see a really good current-gen game involving them.
23 / 13 left, respectively! Wooo~! ;D
CarrionCrow: Not a problem, anything specific that you're looking for above other items?
genkicolleen: Hmm... Most interested in This War of Mine, Thief 3: Deadly Shadows, Teslagrad, Schein, Apotheon, and Dead State, I'd say.
Okay. If any of those come up, I'll IM you.
CarrionCrow: Okay. If any of those come up, I'll IM you.
Thank you so much! :D
WingedKagouti: That's actually unfair to VtM:R, as it has actual dialogue and choices as opposed to the completely linear experience that is Diablo (1 and 2 at least). VtM:R even has several different endings depending on the way you play and certain choices made.
CarrionCrow: Hmm. I don't remember the dialogue off-hand, just really bad gameplay and there being two choices for the ending.

It apparently didn't leave much of an impression aside from it being crappy.
There are at least 3 or 4 different endings (that involve the final boss encounter), but which ones are available depend on your Humanity score. And while dialogue isn't the main focus of the game, there are encounters where you can avoid/start a fight.

It might not be an great game, but it's definitely not a crappy one either.
CarrionCrow: I don't consider the current incarnations to be actual vampires.
Agreed. The comparison between classic and current vampires is a bit like saying Leviathan and Snuffleupagus are both monsters. Technically true, but there the comparison ends.
Next Fresh deal: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (-60%) [200]
Next Seasoned deal: Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
Good price on Ethan Carter! Happily, I already own it! ^__^ Sadly, my rig doesn't want to allow me to stay in-game for over 5-10 minutes >_<
IAmSinistar: That might be kicking the hornets' nest. "Hey, censors, you may want to check these out!" :)
The_Blog: Well that certainly was not my intention. But maybe you got a point.
Of course this was not your intention and nobody would say so. Unfortunately the best thing we (Germans) should do here is to fly under the radar and don't say a beep :) You can still write PMs if you need more information (although I am not sure how "P" those "M"s really are given how serious the subject is ....
CarrionCrow: Not a problem, anything specific that you're looking for above other items?
genkicolleen: Hmm... Most interested in This War of Mine, Thief 3: Deadly Shadows, Teslagrad, Schein, Apotheon, and Dead State, I'd say.
Watch out for Schein. More platforming + quick reflexes than puzzles...
Grargar: Next Seasoned deal: Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
cant believe thats selling so well! O____o
CarrionCrow: Hmm. I don't remember the dialogue off-hand, just really bad gameplay and there being two choices for the ending.

It apparently didn't leave much of an impression aside from it being crappy.
WingedKagouti: There are at least 3 or 4 different endings (that involve the final boss encounter), but which ones are available depend on your Humanity score. And while dialogue isn't the main focus of the game, there are encounters where you can avoid/start a fight.

It might not be an great game, but it's definitely not a crappy one either.
That's memory for you. I played it years ago and thought it was ultimately a piece of shit.

But, I'll go back through it again, then write out a review for it while it's fresh in my mind, see if the experience is any better this time around.
Grargar: Next Seasoned deal: Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
Sachys: cant believe thats selling so well! O____o
I was just coming in to mention that. People love the classics.
Now it is going faster. :D
Grargar: Next Seasoned deal: Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
Sachys: cant believe thats selling so well! O____o
It's got more proper vampires.

Ethan seems to be vanishing at a decent rate as well, given the price.