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Sarblade: How it works? You have to buy stuff or just follow the sale?
Randomly when you click buy. It'll tell you it's a "critical hit" and the price will be free, so then you check out with it for $0.00. Obviously, only counts the first click for a game.
tinyE: best game on GOG!
I disagree.
high rated
Been gone 10 hours, only missed a few things I would have bought. Now on to work for the next 10 hours! :)
MaxFulvus: Just by curiosity, is it possible to win more than one freebie or is it technically impossible due to GOG restrictions ?
Cavalary: Someone won at least 4. Assuming you mean for different games, that is, not multiples of the same one.
What about different rounds? Can you hope to win a game in the next round, if you didn't yet?
MaxFulvus: Just by curiosity, is it possible to win more than one freebie or is it technically impossible due to GOG restrictions ?
It`s obviously possible, as it happened to several people already.
Most frequent theory is, that each game has several copies set to be for free (like for example 38th and 57th copy).
And if anyone tries to buy exactly the chosen copy of the game he/she will get it automatically without payment.
Yes! terraria is here! Insa-bought. A friend of mine gave me the steam code for it and I was forced to get Steam. Now that I got it here, I can uninstall steam again. Woohoo. :D
Maxvorstadt: You missed a few games.
animalmother2105: Thanks. :)
Well, I`m thinking about to become a politician, so I have to learn to give answers which are both totally correct and totally useless at the same time! :-)
Sarblade: How it works? You have to buy stuff or just follow the sale?
Cavalary: Randomly when you click buy. It'll tell you it's a "critical hit" and the price will be free, so then you check out with it for $0.00. Obviously, only counts the first click for a game.
Thanks! And it happens only to games on sale? Also if i already own them?
Malek86: My first freebie, Terraria. I knew improving my luck stat was going to be useful.
I'm still trying to level up. How do you get the XP so fast?
animalmother2105: What did I miss in the last half hour? I had to travel from work back home. :)
The Witcher 3 was up for free for some minutes. Besides that you missed nothing. ;)
Nice. Terarria's selling like hotcakes.
Crewdroog: If you don't own terraria, you are missing out!
Even I own it and I hate platformers.
toxicTom: Frontpage won't load for me. :-/
Welcome to the club. Looks like an issue mainly in Germany.
Cavalary: Randomly when you click buy. It'll tell you it's a "critical hit" and the price will be free, so then you check out with it for $0.00. Obviously, only counts the first click for a game.
Sarblade: Thanks! And it happens only to games on sale? Also if i already own them?
Yes and yes. If you own them it'll say you need to gift the copy and ask for the recipient's e-mail, but can enter yours and then have the code to give later.
BillyMaysFan59: Nice. Terarria's selling like hotcakes.
No! It sold like hot Leberkaas! :-) Or like hot Semmeln!