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Jenkinz: I haven't received a single freebie, and I've clicked on most of them.
Except for a generous fellow GOGer who graciously gifted me with the Witcher!
JayAird: clicked on virtually everything on this and the last sale and not one freebie, think they are myths at this point
Last insomnia sales I managed to get about 5 free games I think. 0 this time. I guess GOG knows. =o
Critical hit with Hitman 3! :-)
Maxvorstadt: Didn`t we have Hitman Contracts before? Seems like we`re through with the first round, at least for the seasoned games.
Nope, we had Hitman 2: Silent Assassin.
Post edited October 22, 2018 by Fairfox
I remember getting MANY more freebies last year in the third round, I wonder if the chance of getting a freebie is proportional to available copies.
Tallima: To get the freebies, do you just click "Buy Now" and sometimes it's free?
trentonlf: Yes, and so far I have gotten none LOL
Last time I got Time Commando. So I suppose you're still beating me from last time. :-P
BillyMaysFan59: 'Morning. How are you Insomniacs holding up?
I was awake till a very late hour this morning and then finally succumbed to slumber for 4 hours. :)
Opinions on Hitman 3: Contracts?

Ah, nice one zeffyr!
Maxvorstadt: Didn`t we have Hitman Contracts before? Seems like we`re through with the first round, at least for the seasoned games.
Grargar: Nope, we had Hitman 2: Silent Assassin.
Aha. Okay, there are so many of this Hitman games around that I can`t remember them all. Plus the games are so freaking difficult, so I don`t even want to remember those crappy games.
Tallima: To get the freebies, do you just click "Buy Now" and sometimes it's free?
Grargar: When you click "Buy Now", you get a message that you scored a critical hit and the game's price becomes 0.
wait, that's how it works?! Haha, I had no idea. I've been following this sale pretty much every waking hour so far, and I didn't know..
Has there been any game that was not on a previous sale?
I think I keep seeing games that were in the previous insomnias.
Except Jack Keane................
Grargar: Gobliiins seems to be selling better than I expected.

New Fresh deal: Anomaly Defenders (-75%) [100]

Crow's Favourite Game! :D
That game can eat my ass.
high rated
HypersomniacLive: Opinions on Hitman 3: Contracts?

Ah, nice one zeffyr!
Check your PM and let us know sometime later :)
BillyMaysFan59: 'Morning. How are you Insomniacs holding up?
stg83: I was awake till a very late hour this morning and then finally succumbed to slumber for 4 hours. :)
I decided to get some regular sleep... Insomnia is fun, but I figured one critical hit was enough for one day and I'm sure sleep is better for my health anyway. :D
BillyMaysFan59: 'Morning. How are you Insomniacs holding up?
Good morning. =)

23 hours in, and I think I'm starting to feel it a bit. -laughs-