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Ixamyakxim: Note to self - next time buy the game on promo THEN walk the dog.
Or train dog to buy game for you during promo!
I'm getting sleepy...but what if that one awesome game is the next one?!
Fantasysci5: I'm getting sleepy...but what if that one awesome game is the next one?!
Yeah... about time for me to go to bed, but I have to see what the next changeover brings :p
Ixamyakxim: Note to self - next time buy the game on promo THEN walk the dog.
You just missed this great movie!

Man, I feel so sorry for you, you wouldn't believe it.

Ixamyakxim: Note to self - next time buy the game on promo THEN walk the dog.
amrit9037: Or train dog to buy game for you during promo!
LOL possibly the best suggestion ever! ;)
Fantasysci5: I'm getting sleepy...but what if that one awesome game is the next one?!
Then you get stuck, and have to make the choice - saying to hell with it for the time being, or settling in for round two and hoping like hell that you don't miss it again.
opticq: I think all the assets are in the pak file.
Dalthnock: Nope, no idea.

Like I said, the mods I downloaded went into a folder called "art". The rest was just like you have there. The game recognized all the files in the new folder & used them automatically.

I figured it out, thanks!
yyahoo: I did my part and bought Hogs of War. Odd, I don't even remember when that one was added to the GOG Catalog...
Fairly recently. As in within the last 2 - 4 months.

Dalthnock: You just missed this great movie!

Man, I feel so sorry for you, you wouldn't believe it.

I wish! It was one on the German store promo, not the movie. I'd been waiting to add it to an Insomnia purchase - when one never came I thought 8 minutes before sale end would be enough to get out and back in to buy. I was wrong. On the bright side, it was a game I never would have bought otherwise so I suppose no great lose.
Gmr_Leon: Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but...What happens if something doesn't sell out? Is it still on some sort of timer to expire to roll in the new thing?
stg83: No timer, it won't change until every copy is sold so this might be a good time to get some shuteye.
Thanks for the reply! I went to play a game instead. Looks like that worked too. =D
Every once in a while I'll see a game on option so I pop over to my game shelf to check and see if I've got it on my wishlist only to find a new game on my shelf that I forgot I bought during the promo.

Such is the power of the insomnia sale. I can hear the voiceover announcer now...

"GOG.COM. Don't worry about it. I'm sure all those games you bought are awesome."
Goodmorning Vietnam! *yawns*
Sheesh, everything slowed down so hard my downloader finally caught up to Wasteland 2 again. Everything smaller's been cleared.

Seriously hoping we can get a nice long stretch of good, fast moving items. Otherwise, it's going to be one long sleepy night.
Just one more switch over, and then I'll go to bed...
yyahoo: I did my part and bought Hogs of War. Odd, I don't even remember when that one was added to the GOG Catalog...
Ixamyakxim: Fairly recently. As in within the last 2 - 4 months.
Yeah, I looked it up in Jmich's great GOG Releases spreadsheet. It was in August. I don't know how I missed it. I do remember the QUBE release on the same day, but I missed Hogs of War somehow. Oh well, as long as I don't have any other major memory lapses, I'm sure I'll be fine... :)
Fantasysci5: Just one more switch over, and then I'll go to bed...
Just one more turn...