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IAmSinistar: Seriously. It's a real coup for CDPR that their game attracts 13-year-old fucknuts like shit attracts flies.
Is it really? I don't think that those kids( although I'm also in the same category, I could truly say that I'm an adult, for all the things I've seen and been through) even understand CDPR games or the mature ones. Also kids don't have money to buy games on their own, and if they are working, they will have troubles keeping those bucks. Sadly I'm in the same category, but that is just because I live on my own and I need to pay my rent, bills, buy food and all those things. I'd say that it's better if GOG gains at least an adult with a steady income and lose 10 kids without income.
Rievier: Is it really?
No, it's sarcasm.
Rievier: Is it really? I don't think that those kids( although I'm also in the same category, I could truly say that I'm an adult, for all the things I've seen and been through) even understand CDPR games or the mature ones. Also kids don't have money to buy games on their own
I don't think you understand just how bratty and entitled children in the U.S. can be. And how stupid parents are. "MommmmmYYYYYYY I WANT $60 NOW to play the TITTTYYYYYIES!!!"

"Okay hunny, mommy loves you."
IAmSinistar: No, it's sarcasm.
Damn, I almost got it.

Ixamyakxim: I don't think you understand just how bratty and entitled children in the U.S. can be. And how stupid parents are. "MommmmmYYYYYYY I WANT $60 NOW to play the TITTTYYYYYIES!!!"

"Okay hunny, mommy loves you."
I thought that you need a credit card to buy games. Then again, everyone can make a Paypal so you might be right there.
Rievier: Damn, I almost got it.
Incidentally, if your tagline is true, you may want to check out this thread. :)
DeckedTomb: You say Yes
supersnail7: I say no
You say stop
And I say Go, go, go.....
IAmSinistar: Incidentally, if your tagline is true, you may want to check out this thread. :)
Well, now I really feel dumb. I didn't know that a thread like that even existed. Thanks for letting me know. I'll probably share some of the recipes I make in the restaurant next week or so, if time is kind with me.
Rievier: Well, now I really feel dumb. I didn't know that a thread like that even existed. Thanks for letting me know. I'll probably share some of the recipes I make in the restaurant next week or so, if time is kind with me.
It's an obscure thread (the side product of a discussion during the previous Insomnia), so you shouldn't feel bad for missing it. Definitely feel free to share any of your culinary creations with us!
IAmSinistar: Seriously. It's a real coup for CDPR that their game attracts 13-year-old fucknuts like shit attracts flies.
well, they're the future
high rated
Rievier: I'll probably share some of the recipes I make in the restaurant next week or so, if time is kind with me.
Ooh, as Sinistar mentions, that is indeed an obscure thread. I have it favorited, so hopefully time will be kind. Looking forward to more recipes! :)
apehater: well, they're the future
More accurately, they are the grist and chattel of future, upon which those smarter than them will feed.
IAmSinistar: Seriously. It's a real coup for CDPR that their game attracts 13-year-old fucknuts like shit attracts flies.
I hate these 12 years old Steam generation kids with their high end PCs .
IAmSinistar: Seriously. It's a real coup for CDPR that their game attracts 13-year-old fucknuts like shit attracts flies.
ne_zavarj: I hate these 12 years old Steam generation kids with their high end PCs .
You and me BOTH. I'm working with a 7 yr old laptop here. From the beginning stages of dual core processing and 64-bit architecture. Not to mention an ATI video card from right before AMD bought them out. It's served me pretty well tho! All stock parts and the only problems I've had have been with the monitor (and the video card).

Recently my laptop screen finally decided to start dying. For the longest time I had a strip of green and pink dead pixels along the bottom of the screen. The whole screen started flickering and jumping around, so I took it apart and removed the entire LCD screen assembly. Had to pop open the screen cover to extract the wifi receiver so I could still have internet access. Now it's just a keyboard with some dangly bits sitting in front of a 32" LCD TV :)

It's truly amazing what cleaning your fan will do after 7 years of gathering dust.

At least your notebook is still working. My old Fujitsu notebook (4GB Ram, GT240M, don't remember CPU) died after five years recently and after I had the mainboard replaced (insurance paid for it) it died again after a few months. I didn't exactly have a lot of money lying around at that point, so I had to go with something cheaper, when buying a new laptop. The GPU (GT820M) is basically on the level of my old GPU or possibly a little better and the CPU is probably a bit better too, but hard to say. Also no clue if the CPU helps all that much with most newer games.

I can play "Shadow Warrior" (actually got it recently for 6,00€ on gog just before it went on sale for 3,00€, :D) on 1280x720 and medium settings without too many performance issues and "Far Cry 3" actually plays well on high settings, though there is very clearly lag when putting everything on highest. Just mentioning this here, because I, like apparently some other people can completely forget about even trying "The Witcher 3". You have my sympathy.

Oh, by the way, does anybody know how "Metro: Last Light" compares to "Shadow Warrior" in terms of hardware requirements. I got it yesterday in the steam-sale, but I am still playing other games, so I'm just asking out of interest.

Oh, and concerning dust. I'm not sure why, but with my old notebook, the ventilation was completely clogged after just two or three years. The notebook was constantly shutting itself down because of heat and it only got better as soon as I realized that all of the dust was stuck in the lamellar and not in the fan itself.

Edit: I thought this was a recent thread :D Why are people still posting here?!?
Post edited June 13, 2015 by BurningSheep
BurningSheep: @terrapin/zavarj:

At least your notebook is still working. My old Fujitsu notebook (4GB Ram, GT240M, don't remember CPU) died after five years recently and after I had the mainboard replaced (insurance paid for it) it died again after a few months. I didn't exactly have a lot of money lying around at that point, so I had to go with something cheaper, when buying a new laptop. The GPU (GT820M) is basically on the level of my old GPU or possibly a little better and the CPU is probably a bit better too, but hard to say. Also no clue if the CPU helps all that much with most newer games.

I can play "Shadow Warrior" (actually got it recently for 6,00€ on gog just before it went on sale for 3,00€, :D) on 1280x720 and medium settings without too many performance issues and "Far Cry 3" actually plays well on high settings, though there is very clearly lag when putting everything on highest. Just mentioning this here, because I, like apparently some other people can completely forget about even trying "The Witcher 3". You have my sympathy.

Oh, by the way, does anybody know how "Metro: Last Light" compares to "Shadow Warrior" in terms of hardware requirements. I got it yesterday in the steam-sale, but I am still playing other games, so I'm just asking out of interest.

Oh, and concerning dust. I'm not sure why, but with my old notebook, the ventilation was completely clogged after just two or three years. The notebook was constantly shutting itself down because of heat and it only got better as soon as I realized that all of the dust was stuck in the lamellar and not in the fan itself.

Edit: I thought this was a recent thread :D Why are people still posting here?!?
Psh yours does a better job than mine in that regard. Shadow Warrior (2013) or Far Cry 3 would make my computer melt into a puddle of shame LOL. I stick to games before 2008-9 and even then it's a tough gamble whether they'll run or not. I can just barely run The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection with a few of the settings lowered. Big no-no on moving a sim into an apartment lol.

My fan vent was completely caked. I took the fan out, disassembled it and went to town on it with a wet q-tip. I am astonished on how quiet it runs now and how it can play games I wouldn't THINK of playing can run now. Like I said though, just barely haha. If I had to do anything in BIOS settings or run safe mode, it would overheat and force shut down all the time.

As for Metro: Last Light... not sure how it stacks up against Shadow Warrior's system requirements, but the gameplay is amazing. Best single player story imo (before The Last of Us was released). Portal 2 was a great one for a good storyline as well.