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3 more left.
Come on, baby needs a brand new crit.
Getcomposted: Another side note.
All the sleep deprivation is making me loop(ier).

If we're the only people on GOG right now, who's buying all the games? O_o
Most of the people making purchases are not active in the Forum, though I suppose some might
monitor the Threads to see if people are talking about the specific games that are up in the cycle.

In the past, people in the Threads were trying to "sell" people on getting the games by talking about them,
which is how the Jack Keane thing went haywire, and spilled out of the Forum and all over the internet. heh!
Maxvorstadt: Absolutely the same here! :-)
ZaineH: It's a terrible spot to be in with only three copies left.
I already tried to crit AOW 3 but I had no luck!
Getcomposted: Hey, on a little side note. Did anyone buy any games from the weekend Retro Gem promotion sale?
I got myself Challenge of the Five Realms while there was a Keane on. :P
BTW Thanks for reminding me! Picked up 3 games :-)
KunoNoOni: I do see your point, I am not as strong as you. I have MANY games here on GOG and on Steam and in my own collection that I may never get to play. But it makes me feel secure to know that I do have it if I ever do decide to play it.
The_Blog: You did it. YOU DID IT. You pulled my wallet out of my HEART.
Oh god, I hope there isn't a lot of blood on the ground. I would hate to have made a mess...
skeletonbow: ...industry is moving faster than the hardliner minority movement is, and that going forward it will be even more difficult to get out of the mess unless baby steps are taken in the mean time.
There is a huge problem with this approach: The content industry knows the tactic of baby steps very well because they have been practicing it for many decades by constantly extending and tightening copyright laws. You can not have region restriction without controling them. And that is only possible via DRM.

I can tell you what will happen when GOG allows regionally restricted movies. There will always be some guys who circumvent the current control mechanics. At the moment it is merely an IP check which can be easily circumvented with a proxy or a VPN. As soon as the studios can prove that people outside of the allowed region are buying the movie they will scream bloody murder and drag GOG to court. Of course they will choose a country/city where the judges often rule in favor of the content industry.

There they will tell the judge that GOG contractually agreed to sell their movies only to specific countries (they show the contract as proof) and that GOG has violated the contract by insufficiently checking the buyers country and demand that GOG implements better protection (in other words: DRM). With a good lawyer they will most likely get a decision in their favor. And with a court order to implement DRM to uphold its contract GOG can not say 'No' to DRM any more.

Perhaps Dalthnock hasn't been here long enough to know better but you should know that this isn't some theoretical BS. It has happened to GOG before already. Remember the Witcher 2 incident. Bandai took GOG to court multiple times and got decisions that forced GOG to implement regional pricing (Witcher 2 was the first regionally priced game on GOG, long before regional pricing was introduced.), to implement IP checking (Because GOG simply trusted the country setting of the customer which wasn't good enough in Bandai's book.) and to stop removing the copy protection from store bought Witchers via updates.

And if you think the same thing won't repeat with movies you are gravely mistaken. Movie companies are known for such tactics far more than IT companies.
Age of Wonders III is gone. Seems to be a wonder ^^.

Teslagrad is up.
Crewdroog: junior. i was here for the fall one. that is all a crazy blur too. wait, there WAS a fall one, right? lol

aw shucks, thanks. i enjoy being a raving lunatic.
jackster79: There was (the very first one), but I am not sure they did 2 last year - I could have sworn for 2014 that was just a Fall Sale.

Ah well, no matter. Its all the same. Experience your first Insomnia, then you want to be a part of every one afterwards, paying it forward for the next batch of initiates.
oh you know what, i think you are right. it was just a big fall sale. lol my mind is mush :)
Getcomposted: Hey, on a little side note. Did anyone buy any games from the weekend Retro Gem promotion sale?
I got myself Challenge of the Five Realms while there was a Keane on. :P
CarrionCrow: Had an awesome person gift a couple from the promo to me, so now I have Challenge of the Five Realms as well along with Slave Zero.

If I can get some more money before it ends, I'll end up with Realms of Arkania 3, Journeyman Project 2 and 3, maybe Deadlock 1 and 2, maybe Redline.
Check your PM buddy! :-)
ZaineH: It's a terrible spot to be in with only three copies left.
Maxvorstadt: I already tried to crit AOW 3 but I had no luck!
I tried to get a critical hit on it too. No luck either!
CarrionCrow: -laughs- If I ever get another opportunity to actually hit one of those southern California theme parks, I'm going to Magic Mountain. Or Great America. (Assuming those two are still in business.)

I didn't have patience for Disneyland then, and that happened nearly 15 years ago.
Crewdroog: psssh, whatever. you're gonna go to dinsneyland and ride small world over and over again. dont lie.

aaaand i just put that song in my head.
I'd rather sit here and watch a 72,000 copy round of Insomnia, starring Jack Keane 3, at the low low price of 100 dollars apiece, with electrodes attached to my groin that administer electric shocks if I begin to fall asleep.
Tesafilm, uhm, i mean Teslagrad is the next fresh too game. And, to citate a german song title, it`s "Gekommen um zu bleiben".
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Maxvorstadt
Crewdroog: psssh, whatever. you're gonna go to dinsneyland and ride small world over and over again. dont lie.

aaaand i just put that song in my head.
Cursed by Din?
Post edited March 09, 2015 by jadegiant
Crewdroog: oh you know what, i think you are right. it was just a big fall sale. lol my mind is mush :)
All the sales are slightly insomniac with timed releases. IIRC, for the autumn sale, they were releasing two at a time every 40 minutes.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Getcomposted
Hwy, one of them I wanted that I was around for, finally!

*grabs Teslagrad*