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The_Blog: My personal favourite are definitly the city guards.
But the witches are cool too and Rincewind is always a nice character to read about.

/EDIT: We shouldn't forget Death ^^

Edit: Ha, you sneaky little Ninja edited you post while I was replying. :-)
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Geralt_of_Rivia
xep624: Well why do you think the DVD and Blu-ray system has different codes for different regions? That's why some people are not going to watch certain TV Shows..... Or they will be ale to bu hem once they will be released in the region. That's why I had to wait for Sons of Anarchy Season 4 and 5 for a very long time...
I know that. And there are many, many ways to circumvent hardware regional locks.

Just think how much easier it is to do it with DRM-free files.

Dudes, you gotta think outside the box. Only be getting "creative" can you tell big corporations that you can & are willing to sodomize them just as bad as they want to sodomize you.

To those people waiting for *the law* to do your work for you, allow me to boisterously laugh in your infantile faces.
The_Blog: My personal favourite are definitly the city guards.
But the witches are cool too and Rincewind is always a nice character to read about.

/EDIT: We shouldn't forget Death ^^
I read most of the books as far as I am aware. And yes their are a couple of character I did not mention. Now my mind is frankly trying to get who you mean :S Which one do mean?
Fresh deal: Story About My Uncle, A (-80%) [100]
xep624: OK, I will definitely watch it carefully again! Not many comedies can combine good laughs and good message together - I read in a movie magazine that comedy is a very hard genre - ever reviewer will pick at it and give it rather low score, you can "never" get an Oscar for comedy and usually people quickly forget abut the movie, however every year there are many comedy movies being released and most of them bring profit ...
That's a thing about all of Mel Brooks's movies. They are hilarious and absurd on the outside, but they are littered with little insights on human nature, reflecting on genre tropes (though making fun of them) and using the comedy genre to deconstruct things we take for granted since we are so used to them that we just don't notice them anymore. Much like Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett in literature.

Although I have to admit that the latter two managed to transcend themselves and told meaningful stories that were more than good SF/fantasy parody (which is an accomplishment in itself).
The_Blog: My personal favourite are definitly the city guards.
But the witches are cool too and Rincewind is always a nice character to read about.

/EDIT: We shouldn't forget Death ^^
Do not forget Mort :). I like that book a lot.
phaolo: Argh, Cognition again.. does anyone think that it's very good? That price is tempting!
dgwake: The game is cheaper at
My first crit in two days
+1 for gifting a game I like :)
The_Blog: I read most of the books as far as I am aware. And yes their are a couple of character I did not mention. Now my mind is frankly trying to get who you mean :S Which one do mean?
The hint is in the ALL CAPS. ;-)
Matruchus: You can get originals here without shipping costs:
ElTerprise: Thank you for that link but i try get it from my local library first. It's better for my wallet :).
No problem. This is also an option here:
Grargar: Fresh deal: Story About My Uncle, A (-80%) [100]
This is such an adorable and whimsical looking game. But one question - what the hell is that odd little blue thing in like the third or fourth screenshot? I don't know if I find it cute as hell or just a bit oddly frightening.
Crewdroog: *laughs maniacally, throws tablet at blakstar, then runs out open door*

FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A-hahahaha!
Sachys: *points at titanium chains on your ankles attached to JCB in the rubber room
*falls when runs out of chain, hitting rubber floor, then bounces upward, hits ground, bounces, again, and again*

I will gnaw my feet off, you evil chimp! You can't keep me in here forever! oh god, make this stop, i'm gonna be sick.
Love Nac Mac Feegles.
The_Blog: My personal favourite are definitly the city guards.
But the witches are cool too and Rincewind is always a nice character to read about.

/EDIT: We shouldn't forget Death ^^
MaGo72: Do not forget Mort :). I like that book a lot.
DEATH is the best character ever created, but despite Mort being a very good book containing a lot of DEATH, I didn't much care for HIS character development at the end of it.

Dunno, just didn't click terribly well with me.
The_Blog: My personal favourite are definitly the city guards.
But the witches are cool too and Rincewind is always a nice character to read about.

/EDIT: We shouldn't forget Death ^^
MaGo72: Do not forget Mort :). I like that book a lot.
Well Mort is in the whole Death thingy. When I said Death I ofcourse meant all the characters that come with it.
Same thing with Rincewind.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by The_Blog
Thanks for sharing!