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trentonlf: Fresh too: Quest for Infamy (-80%) [200]
heh, i was gonna try to post that but got hung up on how to format it with how others been doing it and then i hit the wrong button on my tablet and by the time i figured it out, you had it all sorted :).
Its going fast though so maybe it and Xeno will end closely together.
Uh oh. Hm. Questfor Glory games were some of my favorite growing up. Can anyone recommend this QfI game?
I love that infamy is getting some love.
JDelekto: Actually, it was one of the 'cartoons' in the early edition (I think first) of the D&D Dungeon Master's Guide. <grin>
toxicTom: Interesting. I just know that in Simon 2 you meet those role players (in a fantasy world) who play a game set in "our" world. I only ever played the German version of Simon 2, there it was called "Büros und Buchhalter" ("Offices and accountants"). I don't know how the game was called in the original English version, so I guessed this could be it.
That reminded me of a World of Warcraft parody a friend showed me a few years ago. Apparently fantasy characters of all kinds can find escapism in in office RP's.

World of Workcraft
CalicoPup: Huzzah!

Quest for Infamy!
JDelekto: I just snagged up a copy to give away later! :)
I just snagged up a copy for myself because I'm greedy. +1 to you, though!
anyone have terraria for trade? or does someone know if it will come on sale again?
Gossenkind91: anyone have terraria for trade? or does someone know if it will come on sale again?
Still coming up!
ymerejsasnak: Uh oh. Hm. Questfor Glory games were some of my favorite growing up. Can anyone recommend this QfI game?
I may be biased because I helped make it, but I think it is a great nod to the quest for glory games. The combat isn't perfect, but the game as a whole is easily worth $4.
hummer010: I can't complain - I have three crits, which is more than some. [...]
Hurray for reading things too quickly! -- I first read this as, "I have three clits, which is more than some." XD
Gossenkind91: anyone have terraria for trade? or does someone know if it will come on sale again?
Yes it will show up again.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by ElTerprise
MarkoH01: I am no newcomer but I remember coming into this forum and mentioning a game which was then gifted to me. I did not understand why anybody should give me something without payment or sth. to trade for it. After I started giving myself I finally understood. This is the one place where you can do something good to people even if you don't have that much. I love it. And even if it is none of the questions you asked I'd like to add that this few days I experienced the friendly people here in the forum were one of the finest. Strange people from different countries and everybody wants to hel another stranger. Unfortunately rel life is different but here wen can live it and I am glad that I experienced it.
Well spoken. As I see it, this place IS a part of "real life". Sure, not every place is like this, and this is what makes is special. But I find comfort in the thought that literally all over the world there are nice, helpful and generous people, with no regard to language, race, sex or religion. We may be scattered out on the physical place called Earth, but we found a place to come together, that is just as real - even if it is created by means of technology.
And if you listen to the inventors, founders, developers of the internet technologies, in many of their speeches and treatises I think I hear that this is what they had in mind. Exchange of thought and ideas, not commerce and $$$, and not even military power (that funded the early net).
Gossenkind91: anyone have terraria for trade? or does someone know if it will come on sale again?
ALH: Still coming up!
nice, thanks for the quick reply :)
trentonlf: It has not show up yet :)
toxicTom: No, still outstanding.
ElTerprise: No.
Thank you, everybody. Hope it will show up soon. But with me waiting for it, it will probably the last game in the whole sale. ;)
LOL I like your avatar ;)
zenwan: For new users, that gifting thing is very confusing, as you are asked to enter the other person's email, which you probably don't have, if you even have someone in mind. So, not knowing what else to do, and perhaps being under pressure of time if the game is selling fast, you skip the gifting part and figure you'll be able to change that later.
HunchBluntley: When in doubt, e-mail it to yourself! ;)

As to why they can't give refunds for items bought in certain promos, you'd have to ask GOG. I'm guessing it might have something to do with agreements with publishers when selling their games at a discount above a certain percentage, but that's just speculation on my part.
That could be, I looked up some of the games that GOG had during this sale on Steam and *wow*, the price difference was mind-blowing. To get such games at this type of discount (and some of them getting the critical hits) but also DRM-free is one of the reasons why I always, always ALWAYS go to GOG.