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ElTerprise: Oh boy.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Exactly. The German censors would go apeshit over that.

The only reason this game was not confiscated by the German courts back in the day is that the German version replaced Nazis with aliens.
1. "Officially" the is no such thing as "censorship" in Germany ;). It's all done by the developers to secure a rating.

2. Main problem is that video games are not officially considered as art. So the freedom of art don't apply to them. That is the thing which needs to be changed. This understanding is based on the verdict resulting in confiscation for Wolfenstein 3D.

ALH: It is definitely possible to gift the Commando games to germans.I'm still looking for someone to get me Commndos2&3.Are you offering?I'll obviously get you the equivalent or more for it.
Tarnicus: DEAR GERMANS: I too come from a land of censorship and bullshit, i.e Ooorstralya! (Australia). The recent changes to GOG regarding regional pricing and enacting restrictive censorship laws internationally based on narrow-minded control mechanisms to control free-thinking adults, set my already crazy off. By that, I mean that I am aghast that GOG is actually implementing unenforceable laws in order to appease idiotic governments and peoples in order to maximise their profits. One world, one price, my arse! The laws in both Germany and Australia are ridiculous, and from my meagre understanding of German laws are being interpreted incorrectly. With that said...

1/ If you would like to know how to circumvent these bullshit restrictions and learn a bit about how the internet works on a physical level, please do some research and it is obvious that such laws are unenforceable with a basic understanding of how the internet works; and

2/ When these games go on sale, please PM me, and if I have the means (and can organise gifts through friends), then I shall endeavour to ensure that each and every one of you gets a copy of every banned game

3/ Yes I cannot stand censorship and regional pricing and differences with digital goods. Without the economy of physical distribution, this is absolute bullshit,
Absolutely true and a +1 for that.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by ElTerprise
ALH: It is definitely possible to gift the Commando games to germans.I'm still looking for someone to get me Commndos2&3.Are you offering?I'll obviously get you the equivalent or more for it.
Tarnicus: DEAR GERMANS: I too come from a land of censorship and bullshit, i.e Ooorstralya! (Australia). The recent changes to GOG regarding regional pricing and enacting restrictive censorship laws internationally based on narrow-minded control mechanisms to control free-thinking adults, set my already crazy off. By that, I mean that I am aghast that GOG is actually implementing unenforceable laws in order to appease idiotic governments and peoples in order to maximise their profits. One world, one price, my arse! The laws in both Germany and Australia are ridiculous, and from my meagre understanding of German laws are being interpreted incorrectly. With that said...

1/ If you would like to know how to circumvent these bullshit restrictions and learn a bit about how the internet works on a physical level, please do some research and it is obvious that such laws are unenforceable with a basic understanding of how the internet works; and

2/ When these games go on sale, please PM me, and if I have the means (and can organise gifts through friends), then I shall endeavour to ensure that each and every one of you gets a copy of every banned game

3/ Yes I cannot stand censorship and regional pricing and differences with digital goods. Without the economy of physical distribution, this is absolute bullshit,
That is so a +1 - it should be a +100 - truer words were seldom spoken wise man!
ALH: It is definitely possible to gift the Commando games to germans.I'm still looking for someone to get me Commndos2&3.Are you offering?I'll obviously get you the equivalent or more for it.
Tarnicus: DEAR GERMANS: I too come from a land of censorship and bullshit, i.e Ooorstralya! (Australia). The recent changes to GOG regarding regional pricing and enacting restrictive censorship laws internationally based on narrow-minded control mechanisms to control free-thinking adults, set my already crazy off. By that, I mean that I am aghast that GOG is actually implementing unenforceable laws in order to appease idiotic governments and peoples in order to maximise their profits. One world, one price, my arse! The laws in both Germany and Australia are ridiculous, and from my meagre understanding of German laws are being interpreted incorrectly. With that said...

1/ If you would like to know how to circumvent these bullshit restrictions and learn a bit about how the internet works on a physical level, please do some research and it is obvious that such laws are unenforceable with a basic understanding of how the internet works; and

2/ When these games go on sale, please PM me, and if I have the means (and can organise gifts through friends), then I shall endeavour to ensure that each and every one of you gets a copy of every banned game

3/ Yes I cannot stand censorship and regional pricing and differences with digital goods. Without the economy of physical distribution, this is absolute bullshit,
Amen to that and thx for offering to help.Right now it seems like Anaxphone is going to hook me up!
JDelekto: I have a code for Grimrock 2, I was looking to trade with uselessvu for the game Puddle and even sent a PM still awaiting a response.

If I don't hear from him soon, I'll be willing to trade.
Thanks for looking out. I don't hoard or collect game codes and keys so don't have much in the way of trade. I typically always use what I buy, win or get gifted. If you have a link to a list of what you are looking for, there is probably a small 2% chance I may have a match. Worth a shot?
And yet again no crit hit on Brokeane Age for me. I guess it is goodbye then in how many days its takes for this one to stay on the promo page. :)
high rated
ALH: Ok.Yeah i only need 2&3, already own 1.
PM sent.
Tarnicus: Admission: I think I mixed up measurements and it is more like 2 inches :D OKay fine, the harem thing was BS but I cant pitch a tent and enact world domination on ants! Surely that must count for something :)
JDelekto: When you have that super high-tech magnifying glass as your secret weapon, the ants will bend to your will!
When I was in primary(elementary to the rest of the world) school and people used to try to burn, harm or kill insects and arachnids, I would "go psycho" at them. I saved snails, slugs, spiders, ants and all manner of creepy crawlies. I handled "deadly" creatures(I live in Australia) in order to save them. I still, to this day, cannot understand why our species thinks so highly of itself. I do not see any other out of balance to the extent we are. I do not see any other species cause the amount of harm that we do as a species. And yet, on some strange level, I still love my fellow human being. Why? We have a propensity for learning that I do not see with other species.

I understand the concept of survival; my adrenal response far outweighs most I know. With that said, why is it we feel the need to dominate and destroy so many other for our "survival"? I am misanthropic to some extent, and yet I keep meeting pretty darn nice people, who when assumptions and beliefs are challenged, they cannot explain why they wish to cause harm without though to others. This differs from survival.

To thwart a magnifying glass, one merely needs to wait til nightfall til the sun has gone down :) And then the stabby, poisonous, bitey things can come out and wreak havock :P
The_Blog: 8th freebie time :D
Mousecraft AGAIN.
Anybody willing to trade it for Defender's Quest?
Otherwise I would be happy gifting it to someone for free too :)
Thanks very much to the_Blog for a ton of mice for my PC :)
Give this great gifter a +rep everyone!
Tarnicus: DEAR GERMANS: I too come from a land of censorship and bullshit, i.e Ooorstralya! (Australia). The recent changes to GOG regarding regional pricing and enacting restrictive censorship laws internationally based on narrow-minded control mechanisms to control free-thinking adults, set my already crazy off. By that, I mean that I am aghast that GOG is actually implementing unenforceable laws in order to appease idiotic governments and peoples in order to maximise their profits. One world, one price, my arse! The laws in both Germany and Australia are ridiculous, and from my meagre understanding of German laws are being interpreted incorrectly. With that said...

1/ If you would like to know how to circumvent these bullshit restrictions and learn a bit about how the internet works on a physical level, please do some research and it is obvious that such laws are unenforceable with a basic understanding of how the internet works; and

2/ When these games go on sale, please PM me, and if I have the means (and can organise gifts through friends), then I shall endeavour to ensure that each and every one of you gets a copy of every banned game

3/ Yes I cannot stand censorship and regional pricing and differences with digital goods. Without the economy of physical distribution, this is absolute bullshit,
Amen! I luckily already owned all Commandos Games on GOG and on that regard GOg is actually better than other platforms because now I actually do get the uncensored version. On other platforms you would only get the censored version. It still DOES suck if you do not already own the games and I fear for future censorship on the site. I hope we german users actually get notified when something get's censored or that there will be a forum thread when something get's censored. The problem is that they could very well just not notify us about releases that would get censored anyway for us so we wouldn't even know when a game comes to gog so we could grab a copy through gifting. I hope that is not the case and gog notifys us when something will not be available for us.
JDelekto: I have a code for Grimrock 2, I was looking to trade with uselessvu for the game Puddle and even sent a PM still awaiting a response.

If I don't hear from him soon, I'll be willing to trade.
infinitee8: Thanks for looking out. I don't hoard or collect game codes and keys so don't have much in the way of trade. I typically always use what I buy, win or get gifted. If you have a link to a list of what you are looking for, there is probably a small 2% chance I may have a match. Worth a shot?
At the moment, Puddle is pretty much it. BTW, do you have the first Legend of Grimrock? I'm going to post it as a giveaway and if you don't already have it, I'll gift that one to you.
infinitee8: No worries, was worth an ask I think. Enjoy the camping trip but you got me wondering, why shave your beard for it? I'm not an outdoors person with the ticks and mosquiters and nature for that matter (although I do love nature, I'm not one to be able to survive in it) so that part struck me as odd.
Beard keeps me warm, moustache is chewed in every meal. Does that make sense? I am a mess as it is :D
high rated
The_Blog: Defender's Quest?
Check your PM :-)
Maxvorstadt: By the way, does somebody know which of the games that were on the GoG twitch insomnia stream was in this sale?I`m just curious, because they said that they would show games that would be in the sale.
As far as I can see these games were on the Twitch stream during the sale: Vampire: The Masquerade, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Neverending Nightmares, The Banner Saga, Banished, Quest for Infamy and Rayman: Origins.
The_Blog: Defender's Quest?
toxicTom: Check your PM :-)
Many many thanks to toxicTom for gifting me Defender's Quest :3
Now I own absolutly everything out of this promo I was interested in. Damn I have spent too much money, but it was great fun ^^
Post edited March 08, 2015 by The_Blog
infinitee8: No worries, was worth an ask I think. Enjoy the camping trip but you got me wondering, why shave your beard for it? I'm not an outdoors person with the ticks and mosquiters and nature for that matter (although I do love nature, I'm not one to be able to survive in it) so that part struck me as odd.
JDelekto: I have a code for Grimrock 2, I was looking to trade with uselessvu for the game Puddle and even sent a PM still awaiting a response.

If I don't hear from him soon, I'll be willing to trade.
With you offer to help out for LoG2, is there anything you have missed or want? If so, please PM me and I will see what I have or can get for you :)