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Geralt_of_Rivia: Today when GOG gives away a game they disable the game card temporarily so you can not do that any more. Instead you get a link to a gift page that can be used only once per account that will add the game to your account if you don't have it or send you a gift code if you do.
And what limits accounts?... there is no physical way to do so :)
MarkoH01: What? No "check your PM" if such a question is posed? I am stunned!
LOL, I have already given my gift copy of that one away ;-)
if you need some rep just go here:

just a little question.
WildHobgoblin: So, if those two sell at roughly the same speed they did in the last round, they should be up for at least another hour (probably longer than that).
Time do go and do sth productive, I guess :)
Tolmar: By productive I hope you mean start clearing the backlog, thats my plan for the afternoon. At least till the wife/boss walks in.
Yeah, I'm torn between actually going to play some games, or start cleaning up my flat. Mhm, decisions, decisions, guess I'll toss a coin...
korell: Just got my second critical hit with Torchlight, but as I already own this I'll be looking to trade or giveaway. Freedom Planet is the game I'm waiting for.
JDelekto: I haven't been clicking on all the items during the promo, so never ran into a crit yet. I already own about 99% of the games that flipped through the promo, but managed to get Door Kickers which was the one I was lacking.

I have codes for Legend of Grimrock and Legend of Grimrock 2 I'll probably post in a giveaway thread soon.
I've been looking for Grimrock 2 but missed it. What would you like for it?
MarkoH01: What? No "check your PM" if such a question is posed? I am stunned!
trentonlf: LOL, I have already given my gift copy of that one away ;-)
I was thinking you needed at least half an hour to check your inventory :-)
PaterAlf: Yes, I know it's amazing, but sometimes the search engine really works. ;)
I haven't had much luck using the search function. The hits all contain the search string but the sequence of the posts seem jumbled, not in chronological order. And if there are, say, five pages of hits the 5th and 1st pages seem to contain the same posts.

If I'm doing something wrong I'll probably figure it out.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Today when GOG gives away a game they disable the game card temporarily so you can not do that any more. Instead you get a link to a gift page that can be used only once per account that will add the game to your account if you don't have it or send you a gift code if you do.
Tarnicus: And what limits accounts?... there is no physical way to do so :)
Sure, but what good will it do to create 100 accounts? You won't get a single gift key out of them since none of the accounts have the game.
I'm going to put Metrocide on my wishlist until later.
My backlog is glaring at me and tapping it's foot. Uh-oh, I'm in trouble. Time to play some games...
Too much time buying and collecting, too little playing. :P
MsParanoid: If I'm doing something wrong I'll probably figure it out.
Nope its not your fault, the search function is archaic and terrible on the forum.
PaterAlf: Yes, I know it's amazing, but sometimes the search engine really works. ;)
MsParanoid: I haven't had much luck using the search function. The hits all contain the search string but the sequence of the posts seem jumbled, not in chronological order. And if there are, say, five pages of hits the 5th and 1st pages seem to contain the same posts.

If I'm doing something wrong I'll probably figure it out.
Yeah, the forum search is pretty much broken. You are far better off using Google.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Geralt_of_Rivia
I'm hoping for Xenonauts to pop up again - missed it on Friday and have regretted ever since... But yeah, BA and Metrocide are going to hang there for a while...
trentonlf: LOL, I have already given my gift copy of that one away ;-)
blakstar: I was thinking you needed at least half an hour to check your inventory :-)
Nah, He'll have a script for that...
skeletonbow: It never ceases to amaze me all the people who say "everyone already has that game" for Torchlight or any other particular game that GOG or somewhere else has given away in a freebie, because in order for that to be true, every single person on Earth would have to be a GOG customer already and GOG by definition could never ever get any more new customers because they both had every possible customer already, and every single customer either bought or received the freebie game previously. It's really silly. :)

GOG could do an all day Torchlight freebie promo every Saturday for the next 3 years and the day after they stopped doing it, at least one if not 100 people would join the GOG website as a new customer having never heard of GOG before at all and say "Torchlight? Oh that looks cool, damn just my luck I joined up the day they stopped giving it away for free" :)
Geralt_of_Rivia: The point is, the first time Torchlight went free they still had the old gifting system up. With that you could get an unlimited number of free gift codes. People who knew that stocked up big time for future giveaways and the codes from back then were still handed out for free in the forum for years after that. I'm sure there are still codes from that time around.

Today when GOG gives away a game they disable the game card temporarily so you can not do that any more. Instead you get a link to a gift page that can be used only once per account that will add the game to your account if you don't have it or send you a gift code if you do.
Oh I've been here the whole time so I know that. :) I have a spare Torchlight code or so in my own gifts page still I think. Either way though, there are people right now today on Earth who play video games that are GOG customers who do not own Torchlight, probably more people that don't own it than do I'd bet (although there's no way to measure that currently), but at a grander scale there are more people on Earth who do not even know what is right now let alone have an account here let alone own Torchlight here, and new people join GOG every day and GOG doesn't put a free copy of Torchlight into their account automatically. Likewise there is no automated messaging system that sends a message to every new GOG customer saying "By the way, we gave away a zillion copies of Torchlight 2+ years ago just so you know.", so there are both millions of people out there who don't own Torchlight (current customer or otherwise) and who aren't even aware the game has ever been free before.

So despite its popularity as a past freebie, and despite many people having spare codes for it, everyone does not already own it and it's a cool and popular game that new people coming along that never heard of it are going to be interested in and some will want to get a copy. I mean from a purely logical perspective this is the only thing that actually makes sense. :) Now some people might say "Torchlight? Really, everyone has that already." and just be throwing that out there jokingly or sarcastically or whatever, but some people say it like they really truly mean it and that just doesn't hold up to logical analysis - that's all I'm pointing out. :) I mean even if one defined "everyone" as less than every single living person, and instead defined it as "80% of all GOG customers" I would doubt 'everyone' has Torchlight. :)

The proof is in the pudding though, and you can always find someone out there asking for a copy of Torchlight in the forums rather regularly, showing that "everyone" does not already own it despite how shocked some people are to learn this. :)

Just to be clear though, I'm not judging anyone, but rather I'm just making an observation of how humourous I find people's reactions to people asking about Torchlight or similar, whether they are sarcastic or literally dumbfounded that someone doesn't own it already. :)
JDelekto: I haven't been clicking on all the items during the promo, so never ran into a crit yet. I already own about 99% of the games that flipped through the promo, but managed to get Door Kickers which was the one I was lacking.

I have codes for Legend of Grimrock and Legend of Grimrock 2 I'll probably post in a giveaway thread soon.
uselessvu: I've been looking for Grimrock 2 but missed it. What would you like for it?
One game that I don't have, but would like to get is Puddle. Interested in a trade?