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eiii: Din's Curse. I'm playing the demo the whole afternoon and although the inventory management is a bit cumbersome the game is very addictive and fun. Just bought the full version - also to reward it for having a Linux version and even a (fan made?) German translation.
bler144: I played the demo for a bit this afternoon and liked it too. But it didn't blow my mind as much as finally launching LoG2 did!

Still, Din's just became my ...11th? purchase of the sale. I'm justifying it since it coincided w/ my birthday and I had $40 in dividends on my credit crd to cash in ><
I already went beyond that :). I think i'll keep on it and may get it in another sale.
Anybody played Dins Curse? - its is an RSI-hell-clickfest?

Edit: by the look of the trailer, it is. Ah well!
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Sachys
Please someone tell me KentuckyRZ hasn't shipped yet?
ALH: Please someone tell me KentuckyRZ hasn't shipped yet?
No it will show up again:
Post edited March 08, 2015 by ElTerprise
bler144: I played the demo for a bit this afternoon and liked it too. But it didn't blow my mind as much as finally launching LoG2 did!

Still, Din's just became my ...11th? purchase of the sale. I'm justifying it since it coincided w/ my birthday and I had $40 in dividends on my credit crd to cash in ><
paladin181: I want to play through LoG 1 before I start on but for some reason, my mouse isn't working in it. :(
I'm playing LoG now and the game is awesome, and with the automap off, it feels like I'm back in the old days playing badasd dungeon crawlers that required you to have a pencil anf paper with you when you play, just with better graphics. I hpe you fix the problem and get into the dungeons soon.
Thx.Frakk Yeah!
I hope Kentucky Route Zero shows up next and not Neverending Nightmares.
huN73R: I hope Kentucky Route Zero shows up next and not Neverending Nightmares.
Word.By the way i just crashed in.I'm slightly drunk, don't take advantage of me!:D
eiii: Din's Curse. I'm playing the demo the whole afternoon and although the inventory management is a bit cumbersome the game is very addictive and fun. Just bought the full version - also to reward it for having a Linux version and even a (fan made?) German translation.
bler144: I played the demo for a bit this afternoon and liked it too. But it didn't blow my mind as much as finally launching LoG2 did!
LoG2 seems to be a great game and is on my wish list too. But I haven't even finished LoG1 yet, so I can wait until its price comes down a bit.

bler144: Still, Din's just became my ...11th? purchase of the sale. I'm justifying it since it coincided w/ my birthday and I had $40 in dividends on my credit crd to cash in ><
Always good to have a reason to buy something. :)
pengchi87: I'm playing LoG now and the game is awesome, and with the automap off, it feels like I'm back in the old days playing badasd dungeon crawlers that required you to have a pencil anf paper with you when you play, just with better graphics. I hpe you fix the problem and get into the dungeons soon.
That's what gets me. I have played it before on this computer, with this mouse. And now it doesn't want to work after reinstalling... I even tried my Steam copy that I got ages ago, and it doesn't work either. So I don't know WHAT'S happening, but I'm a little pissed.
Sachys: Anybody played Dins Curse? - its is an RSI-hell-clickfest?
I've played the demo, and it's like Diablo, with an extra layer of depth. Monsters do things when you aren't fighting them, they grow stronger and even send minions at you town. So, you have to juggle back and forth between defending your town, and growing stronger in the dungeon.
I would anything to get hold of Risen or Legend of Grimrock 2.
Sachys: Anybody played Dins Curse? - its is an RSI-hell-clickfest?
evanmv13: I've played the demo, and it's like Diablo, with an extra layer of depth. Monsters do things when you aren't fighting them, they grow stronger and even send minions at you town. So, you have to juggle back and forth between defending your town, and growing stronger in the dungeon.
I've read that in the reviews - I just want to know if its an RSI-hell-clickfest or not.

Having just watched the video it looks like it is!
Anybody genuinely care to go on a Little Big Adventure?
pengchi87: I'm playing LoG now and the game is awesome, and with the automap off, it feels like I'm back in the old days playing badasd dungeon crawlers that required you to have a pencil anf paper with you when you play, just with better graphics. I hpe you fix the problem and get into the dungeons soon.
paladin181: That's what gets me. I have played it before on this computer, with this mouse. And now it doesn't want to work after reinstalling... I even tried my Steam copy that I got ages ago, and it doesn't work either. So I don't know WHAT'S happening, but I'm a little pissed.
Wow, I knew computers act starangely at times, but that is totally absurd.