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high rated
Well definitely missed the last game I was going for, but I slept very well before another long day at work. Wish I had also caught Bird Story (missed x3), which I have already finished, but would have gifted up...
MarkoH01: Oh you people with your "yes, I buy it twice to have it DRM-free", "I did this several times" blablablablabla
When I asked you, I expected you to shake your head and ask me if I am crazy or sth.

Did just buy Alan Wake AN the second time. Now have to wait for Alan Wake original to have both games DRM-free.
And of course still waiting for Mind since I've seen a Let's play and was blown away by the style of it (I love surealism).
Maybe you asked the wrong people ;). But don't ask me i also do this because i aim to reduce the usage of that "vaporizing water" :)

CarrionCrow: It's the difference between having a rental and actually owning the game.
And also This.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by ElTerprise
truhlik: Bad mojo ? :)
SortaSane: I know of many dark, ancient rituals dating back to the 1980's used to appease the RNGods. Unfortunately, they haven't helped me get a crit, either.
The Lady follows no ritual, and Arnie is a fickle god. It's better to hope you don't attract their attention.
Matruchus: Take-Two catalog would be nice too. All those CIV games, GTAs, Borderlands, etc.
Yeah, Take-two. They're the ones publishing Rockstar stuff on PC, forgot about that.

Redfern: Can anyone tell me how Shadowrun(s) here related with that old Shadowrun from SNES?
Yes. And the Mega Drive one. Allegedly. It was one of their stretch goals, tie Returns story with the other two 16-bit games.
Dalthnock: So I use GOG for about 95% of my needs, while using Steam for those games that I really, really want but it's highly unlikely that I will get them here.
I tried to stick to one philosophy about which site to use, but realistically I end up bouncing back and forth between GoG and "that other place" depending on what my hankering is and what's available.

Humble only occasionally has stuff I want badly enough to buy there - the bundles would be more useful if I had a broader network of gaming friends to exchange games with.
Redfern: Say, as Drm-free alternative only GOG you see, that about Humble, Desura?
Dalthnock: Nope. I know about GOG since it began, but the reason I took this long to register & buy games here is that I want ONE place to have most of my games, so I have to TRUST that place.

Most businesses usually shit all over their own standards in practices within 2-3 years - GOG is on it's 7th year & despite some unusual decisions in the past month, has surprisingly managed to hold on to its motto of DRM-free all this time, so it's the safest bet you'll ever have.

I know about putting all your eggs in one basket, but the hassle of keeping track of a growing collection spread out over several sites is much, much more inconvenient than DRM. Besides, if things turn sour, it's much easier to suicide bomb a couple of buildings than a whole mess of 'em.

So I use GOG for about 95% of my needs, while using Steam for those games that I really, really want but it's highly unlikely that I will get them here.
And that is the problem I have now, It's steam, greenman gaming, gamersgate, gog and origin, refused to get ubisoft, it's getting messy and I don't know what I have and don't have, looking at my library I counted at least 800 titles, including boxed games.....

So it's getting much, plus I am running out of space fast, Will need to upgrade my steam drive again, it's just pushed over 1,7 tb's....
budejovice: Well definitely missed the last game I was going for, but I slept very well before another long day at work. Wish I had also caught Bird Story (missed x3), which I have already finished, but would have gifted up...
What was the last game you were going for?
high rated
budejovice: Well definitely missed the last game I was going for, but I slept very well before another long day at work. Wish I had also caught Bird Story (missed x3), which I have already finished, but would have gifted up...
trentonlf: What was the last game you were going for?
Thanks for asking, trentonlf! It was [redacted].

I have way too many games both in my backlog and in general to be fishin'. :)
Matruchus: Take-Two catalog would be nice too. All those CIV games, GTAs, Borderlands, etc.
wizardofid: Take 2 will be hard pressed to come to gog, WB unlikely, not in the near future, have their games on steam or else where any ways, Besides most of their games make use of the steam MP, so most games with MP with only be single player...
What are you talking about? WB are already on GOG. They joined quite recently.
MarkoH01: Oh you people with your "yes, I buy it twice to have it DRM-free", "I did this several times" blablablablabla
When I asked you, I expected you to shake your head and ask me if I am crazy or sth.

Did just buy Alan Wake AN the second time. Now have to wait for Alan Wake original to have both games DRM-free.
And of course still waiting for Mind since I've seen a Let's play and was blown away by the style of it (I love surealism).
CarrionCrow: Reacquiring a game a second time through GOG is always preferred. Sometimes the cost might be higher for a while, but eventually, anything from the competition that comes here gets a repurchase.

It's the difference between having a rental and actually owning the game.
I sometimes buy games I already have on GoG because of that. As examples I have bought Beyond Good and Evil, Sacred and Slave Zero, despite owning the CDs, because the DRM made those CDs stop working. I also bought Rayman despite owning the CD, but in that case the CD stopped working by itself. It's nice to simply have the installers and being able to backup them. And often games comes with extras, such as manuals or soundtracks.
innerring: No crits here after trying every day since the start of the sale.
Same - think I'm 0 for ...275 maybe?

But someone gifted me, so I feel better about it. ;) I'll keep trying til the bitter end, but 95% of what's left in the queue I'd gift away if I won.

My only certain remaining purchase is Defender's Quest as a gift for a friend. Bought it in Round 1 and really enjoying it.
Pardinuz: I'm glad you're enjoying it. It's one of my favs.
Let me know if you need a co-op partner. :)
Matruchus: Will see how it goes first in singleplayer. One question though. How do I activate the combo I bought at the first vendor?
The combo is passive. There is a tiny blue bar that appears in the left corner (not sure which corner) every time you kill an enemy.
This bar represents the time you have to get another kill and keep the combo up (by refilling that blue bar). In the beginning that bar is like 1 second between each kill but you can improve that duration as well as the effect of your combo (more speed and lots of area damage). The combo is activated once you get 10 kills within that blue combo bar.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Pardinuz
gogamess: OMG I'm so sorry. I readed this too late, and I traded it with another user T___T. I apologize T___T
The_Blog: Don't worry, it's fine. I will find another loving and caring person for my spare copy ^^
I already owned the 2 games so no loss for me ;)
Thank you again and big +1 :)
budejovice: Thanks for asking, trentonlf! It was [redacted].

I have way too many games both in my backlog and in general to be fishin'. :)
I don't hear you saying what it was, that is vital information ;)
You're a well deserving gogger so if I have it you get it ;)
high rated
Bussiebaer: Shadowrun returns is up.
Is it good? Should it be played before Dragonfall?
As others have answered your primary questions, allow me to add one bit of extra info; while Dragonfall DC fixed a lot of gameplay issues that people had with Returns, the two engines are compatible. Therefore, if you copy the Returns game data into the appropriate folders of Dragonfall DC, you can play Returns with all of those upgraded mechanics. You can find all of the detailed info on how to do that in this subforum thread.