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real.geizterfahr: Pretty simple (When I had it installed! Could have changed by now). It just detects your system language and does everything on its own. Let's say your system is German... In this case the game defaults to German. If you wan't to play it in English (voice is English anyway), you have to delete the "de" folder to "change" the language back to English. The funny stuff starts if you want to play it in a language that's neither English, nor your system's langauge ;P
Geralt_of_Rivia: No, it's still the same. And German does exist in the GOG version of Dust.
Had I known that GOGs version does contain German ... I specifically asked about this in the forum.
Still it is GOG's fault since they did not advertized the German text .
wellzy4eva: Hey, can someone link me a copy of the rotating fresh game list, I wanna see if there's another chance of Terraria going round again. :-)
Ungunbu: I know it's ridiculous to ask but I have a spare Sir, You Are Being Hunted key and I'd like to exchange it for Legend of Grimrock 2 if for some mysterious reason you prefer the former to the latter.
Look through the thread index under General Discussion and there is an official game trading thread there that you might be able to find someone to trade with.

Hope this helps.
MarkoH01: I then set my system to spanish and half was spanish half German.
real.geizterfahr: That's how I played it (English/German). Controls and some other stuff (some descriptions?) were German and the rest was English. I just gave up at this point :D
Don't give up don't surrender :)
If I ever find out I'll PM you.
The waiting pays off and I've got LoG II finally. I'll stick around to see if I can crit anything, though, there could be a freebie someone wants.
wellzy4eva: Hey, can someone link me a copy of the rotating fresh game list, I wanna see if there's another chance of Terraria going round again. :-)
Yes its only appeared twice so far
Turtlesaur: ah i didnt know you can gift freebies, i thought people who are giving their crits away already own game in question.
skeletonbow: Whenever you put something in your cart freebie or regular, there is a checkbox on the right side to indicate if you want the purchase to go into your own account or to be a gift instead. The default is to add it to your own library if you do already own it and do not specify otherwise, or if you do own it already in your library then you must make it a gift purchase as you already have it. You then need to supply an email address of whom the gift is for, and if you're buying it as a spare code for yourself to gift to someone later on, just put your own email address. No matter what email you use on a gift, the gift code goes on your GOG Gifts shelf and you can obtain the gift code and give it to someone later on if you wish. The email address you use is not bound to the code, so for example if you send a code to your friend and he never redeems it, you can just take the game code later on and give it to someone else. Whoever redeems a code first, gets it.

Hope this helps.
wow now thats a long explanation, and yes it was very helpful :) i really had no idea gog community is this helpful and, well, awesome.

im off for real now, gonna give Drox a shot, and off to play basket for a while. stay safe gogers :)
Well, I would greatly appreciate if someone managed to snag an extra copy of I could have or trade for.

Always missed the X-Wing Special Edition.
Geralt_of_Rivia: No problem. I have bought a few games in the Insomnia sale and also got some gifts from other people the last few days. Grimrock 2 would have been the icing on the cake that I would play immediately, but it's not as if I had nothing to play for the next few months until the next sale. ;-)

I think it's great that you as a newcomer here start gifting immediately. If I still had some keys I would gift you something for your generosity but I also gave away 5 games the last days and I'm fresh out of keys so I can only +1 your giveaway.
Swampland: Thanks a lot for the kind words. :)

I have answered a question two days back in here and in return got a game. So I figured that if the game I won and thus didn't have to pay for would be better off with someone who can actually run it instead of keeping it in my library without playing it.
And I went ahead and gave it to the first person who said a word, simply because otherwise I would have to favor someone for something subjective and speed seemed like a fair way to do this.
And the code has been redeemed, so all is good. :)

I hope you still find your Grimrock II in some way or another.
Gildia generously gifted me the game and it is installing right now. +1 to you too, Gildia.

And I think praise should be given where praise is due. Sadly there are people who just take and never give anything back to the community. So it's refreshing to see new people who start giving right away.
Day Six post is now live.
high rated
Holy Molly!! I just got a crit for Legend of Grimrock II!!
HypersomniacLive: Holy Molly!! I just got a crit for Legend of Grimrock II!!
real.geizterfahr: Oh, Dust and the mess with the languages... I initially started to play it on my PC (German system) and I'm pretty sure everything (text) was in German. Then I decided that I wanted to play it on my laptop (Spanish system) instead and everything was Spanish. I tried everything... I changed the region settings to Germany, I deleted the Spanish files, I renamed "es" folders to "de", ... After an hour of messing around and reinstalling, I ended up with a weird mix of English and German :P
MarkoH01: Pretty funn. I tried it myself a bit. If you delete all the language subfolders it defaults to english so that is easy. I then set my system to spanish and half was spanish half German. I wonder were he gets the German information even after I turned my system to Spanish? No keys in registry either so that is going to be a tough one (I like challenges like this).
Reading German and hearing English confused me.
I just renamed the English folder to the German one and was fine = whole game in English.

It can't be this hard to make a simple language option in the menu...
paladin181: to explain the credit card bill to the wife.
toxicTom: Please share any ideas ;-)
How about the old proverb: "The difference between men and boys is the size of their toys." ;-)
HypersomniacLive: Holy Molly!! I just got a crit for Legend of Grimrock II!!
Congratulations! :)