Posted March 07, 2015

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

Registered: Jan 2015
From Bosnia and Herzegovina

5* General of Cheese™
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted March 07, 2015
high rated
Looks like DyNaer is off line, picking up a gift copy of LoGII

No Leaf Clover
Registered: Nov 2012
From France

🐺 Gwynnbleid 🐺
Registered: Apr 2009
From Austria
Posted March 07, 2015
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Geralt_of_Rivia

long live Keane
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 07, 2015
well bah humbug, no crit for me on LOG II, I fart in GOG's general direction :P

Swamp Hobo
Registered: Mar 2015
From Germany

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted March 07, 2015
Current recommendations are incorrect. The cold/ice thing causes more damage. Test it out yourself if you are game :P Apply honey and lavender oil instantly and no scar and swift healing. Bandage the wound with that combination (I added tea tree oil for added antibacterial properties as I was unsure of the efficacy of honey) and you will heal well :)

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 07, 2015

Looks like Grimrock 2 is more popular/anticipated than I figured it would be at the moment based on how fast the first game passed by last night, so hopefully everyone eager to play it is in the right place at the right time and able to buy or win a copy though!

Fulvus Forever !
Registered: Apr 2012
From France
Posted March 07, 2015
It makes me 10 mn to find your answer in this thread (GOG, an other improvement to add to your list), so thank you and +1 for your generosity. I finished Two Worlds 1 two weeks ago ( I recommend it, no matter its average reputation) and I can know start the sequel :)

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 07, 2015

Current recommendations are to cool the wound using cold (not freezing/ice-cold) running water and only use any creams/salves/honey :D after 24 hours have passed.

Post edited March 07, 2015 by skeletonbow

🐺 Gwynnbleid 🐺
Registered: Apr 2009
From Austria
Posted March 07, 2015
No problem. I have bought a few games in the Insomnia sale and also got some gifts from other people the last few days. Grimrock 2 would have been the icing on the cake that I would play immediately, but it's not as if I had nothing to play for the next few months until the next sale. ;-)
I think it's great that you as a newcomer here start gifting immediately. If I still had some keys I would gift you something for your generosity but I also gave away 5 games the last days and I'm fresh out of keys so I can only +1 your giveaway.
I think it's great that you as a newcomer here start gifting immediately. If I still had some keys I would gift you something for your generosity but I also gave away 5 games the last days and I'm fresh out of keys so I can only +1 your giveaway.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Geralt_of_Rivia

Grumpy Old Gamer
Registered: Apr 2010
From Spain
Posted March 07, 2015
Pretty simple (When I had it installed! Could have changed by now). It just detects your system language and does everything on its own. Let's say your system is German... In this case the game defaults to German. If you wan't to play it in English (voice is English anyway), you have to delete the "de" folder to "change" the language back to English. The funny stuff starts if you want to play it in a language that's neither English, nor your system's langauge ;P

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

Not a new user!
Registered: May 2014
From Bosnia and Herzegovina
Posted March 07, 2015

Current recommendations are to cool the wound using cold (not freezing/ice-cold) running water and only use any creams/salves/honey :D after 24 hours have passed.

I know it was some kind of oil, but not lavender. it was something else. It has red...ish color, dark red or so. I believe its english name is St something something. that happened years ago but i remember how i was told i should use that oil to prevent scars.