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MeganSC: Good morning everyone :)

Things seemed to have slowed down a fair bit, I'll perhaps just keep checking back on my phone occasionally throughout the day rather than stay glued to the computer. A very good thing considering the weather today is glorious. Isn't this time during the run-up to spring just wonderful? :)
Welcome back :) We've just hit Autumn/Fall here. I am envious and miss the warmth! I'm looking forward to being in front of a campfire in the next few days :)
Matruchus: And the monthly air raid siren test just throw me out my seat :)
Really? its also the first saturday in month in slovenia?
Here in germany also - but this time i was gladly already awake
MeganSC: Good morning everyone :)

Things seemed to have slowed down a fair bit, I'll perhaps just keep checking back on my phone occasionally throughout the day rather than stay glued to the computer. A very good thing considering the weather today is glorious. Isn't this time during the run-up to spring just wonderful? :)
Tarnicus: Welcome back :) We've just hit Autumn/Fall here. I am envious and miss the warmth! I'm looking forward to being in front of a campfire in the next few days :)
Interesting. I love the fall since i have birthday in october and I love to see the seasons change and the fresh air. It is always strange to think that the seasons are switched for half of our planet. I don't know why, but it is something I never think about. And when I do it sounds strange. The winter wasn't really snowy in Germany this year. Only like 3 days of snow. Kinda dissapointing ^^
Tarnicus: Haha I've had the maximum rep gains for today, and it has been stuck on this "magic number" since this morning. Thanks once again to Grargar for recording the moment (see screenshot below) :)
MarkoH01: Don't worry - the reason the number don't change anymore certainly have nothing to do with the bribe I've given to the GOG stuff ;)

Tarnicus: I'm actually listening to Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy after listening to the song I remember my grandfather by. I need to balance out the sadness with joy as often as possible, and yet still allow myself to feel what is within and release it, without focusing on it like I used to :)
MarkoH01: Great song and some still don't know that there is not a single instrument in it.
Haha I'll be stuck on 666 for life then eh? I am one of those who did not realise there was a single instrument in that song! lol
MarkoH01: If you like this game from Terry Cavanagh you should take a look at (imo) his masterpiece "Super Hexagon". Each game usually lasts about a few seconds only (especially your first tries) but you are into hours of gameplay pretty much. Less than a game more like a drug for me - even it it seems to be unmanagable at first. Hey, he shows how easy it is himself:

Edit: And it's also chiptune soundtrack.
Tarnicus: It is from the guy who did Super Hexagon? Thea in the background just said "Tell him I love it! It's one of my favourite games to play." She is far more skilled at it than I, and I love the soundtrack for it! Definitely putting that on :)

Edit: Holy crap watching him play Super Hexagon now and he has MAD SKILLZ! lol He is insanely good at his own game! :)
Yes, he is. He once told that the game is exactly the way designed he thought of it - including the difficulty. And he's right. My first few trys in SH ended in mere seconds and I thought that it is not managable. Then - just for fun I tried the harder levels which were already unlocked (to the ones new to the game - it is devided in hard, harder, hardest and imo hardestest) and after a while came back to the first level. I played and played and after a while (much like this sale) all became a blur I steered instinctively and the game seems to be slower. As I said it's more like a drug - I really meant that. Games like this they need to build super soldiers ;)

On a side note - after watching this video with Terry I once again cannot get this music out of my head *sigh* . Reminder to myself: keep your eyes and fingers far from this damn game ...
MeganSC: Good morning everyone :)

Things seemed to have slowed down a fair bit, I'll perhaps just keep checking back on my phone occasionally throughout the day rather than stay glued to the computer. A very good thing considering the weather today is glorious. Isn't this time during the run-up to spring just wonderful? :)
Tarnicus: Welcome back :) We've just hit Autumn/Fall here. I am envious and miss the warmth! I'm looking forward to being in front of a campfire in the next few days :)
I know very little about the season patterns in Australia, apart from Christmas=barbeque weather for you (I'll never get my head around that). Is it already getting colder there?
MeganSC: Isn't it strange how such a relatively miniscule little planet can have such variations in weather?

My boyfriend currently lives in Texas, and whenever I go over to visit in the summer it's like my body just hits a wall. I can't handle the humidity, it makes me feel claustrophobic and ill.
The variation in weather is certainly strange for our planet and it is getting weirder since the past decade where some cold places are becoming warm and vice versa.

It is quite difficult for folks that are used to colder climates to adjust to hot and humid place around the world. Although sometimes folks here don't ever get used to the weather here either as my mom can't stand the humidity either eventhough she was born and raised here. :)
cecil: I just thought of an idea for GOG and the insomniac sales don't make it 3 rounds make it 4 but less copies in each round so round 3 doesn't take a week by itself.
skeletonbow: Not sure how that would solve anything, we'd just end up with some games whizzing by even faster, and others taking slightly less long but repeating more times and people would complain that now they have to look 4 times instead of 3. The reality is that no matter how the promo is constructed, it will be greatly liked by some and greatly disliked by others because we all have different likes/dislikes and needs/desires. I mean... why only 4 rounds? :) Why not 5 rounds but even less copies each round? Or if that is better, why not 12 rounds with far far less copies each round? Why not just one game per round with 10000 rounds? :) The latter would definitely prevent games from stalling for hours for sure! :)

I don't think GOG can easily predict the rate that any particular game will sell at, and they will sell at different rates during different times of the day, in different regions etc. and that may also vary from one round to the next in Insomnia too. Insomnia wasn't designed to have a maximum time for a game to show, it was more or less intentionally unlimited time although I doubt they figured a game would stall it for 4-7 hours or more either. :) The only way to reliably ensure that a game does not stall a promo like this is to put a hard coded maximum time limit on it at which time it gets bumped for the next game in rotation. Anything else is fraught with unknowns that could end up still burning for hours on end. But if they put time limits on things then it kind of turns into a flash sale. Personally I like flash sales better, and ones that have games showing for 4 hours or more at a time as that gives a wide swath of time to see a game and act upon it while not requiring me to be glued to a website all day or check it too many times a day. But others prefer the minute by minute daily grind with the uncertainty of games stalling so who am I to rob them of that hehe. :)

I personally find the Insomnia promo my least-favourite, but I try to have fun with it and the community while it's on anyway and stay light hearted. If I happen to score some games while looking that's cool and if not and I miss out because something whizzed by, that's cool too. I will joke about games keaning also, but I'm not upset by it, nor bothered really. I just take whatever is there and try to make the best out of it knowing future promos are around the corner and some of them are more of a match for my preference and my day is coming soon... :)

GOG has a tough job of a delicate balancing act to create a promo that caters to as large of a group of people as possible while keeping the money coming in hand over fist. I don't envy their monumental task at trying to please us all while simultaneously knowing it is a losing game. A developer or designer behind something like that has a tough job as they know they're going to always universally get flak. They have to build up a tough skin to know it is impossible to always please all people and that there are always people that will dislike something very vocally, and know it's just "normal" and do their best and rest on it. :) Even though I'm not completely fond of all the aspects of Insomnia or other promos, I know they do their best and they also listen to feedback and adapt over time so we're in good hands. :)
The hard coded timer was my second post/thought on the subject. I like the everything on sale method but the trouble with that is it tends to be like only 50% off so not really that great a "sale"... I can't complain though I got one free game from critical hit and bought 2 would have cost me 26 buck got everything for I think $4.
EDIT: Almost forgot I got one from Tarnicus need to give credit where credit is due.
EDIT 2: just did the math and it came to 85% off retail so far for me.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by cecil
xep624: I hope your Grandpa will stay with you for a long time Tarnicus and that he will make a recovery. And I'm sorry to hear that he's not well.
My grandfather died last year. Multiple people chatting about their old loves one may have you a bit confused :) opticq just found out that their last remaining grandparent is in hospital.

(sorry if this has been clarified, I am still catching up, as is the way of this thread!)
Matruchus: And the monthly air raid siren test just throw me out my seat :)
mcleodone: Really? its also the first saturday in month in slovenia?
Here in germany also - but this time i was gladly already awake
Yeah, its the same. I think its probably the same now across the whole EU.
MarkoH01: Don't worry - the reason the number don't change anymore certainly have nothing to do with the bribe I've given to the GOG stuff ;)

Great song and some still don't know that there is not a single instrument in it.
Tarnicus: Haha I'll be stuck on 666 for life then eh? I am one of those who did not realise there was a single instrument in that song! lol
Depends on how long my bribe will last ... ooops - did I say that out loud? And yes, the song is afaik pure a-capella. Listen closely and you'll see - ähm - hear.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by MarkoH01
mcleodone: Really? its also the first saturday in month in slovenia?
Here in germany also - but this time i was gladly already awake
Matruchus: Yeah, its the same. I think its probably the same now across the whole EU.
Not here. Than again, I think I never heard one.

Good morning everyone btw. =)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Tannath
Tarnicus: I've got the game on Steam and hopefully the soundtrack is in there somewhere. It is a tiny download(69mb) so perhaps not? I'll see if I can find it elsewhere to listen to if I do not have it :)
The_Blog: I do have the soundtrack through the Humble Bundle. If you are interested in it I could give it to you, although I can understand if you would like to purchase it yourself. :)
I just checked my HB account and I can see a direct download for the game but not the soundtrack. Perhaps I just purchased the game and not the more expensive bundle that included the soundtrack? As I love Chiptunes and game soundtracks, I certainly wouldn't say no to your offer. Thank you :)
@ Matruchus & PaterAlf
+1 for your replies

thank you very much for the info!
too bad I missed Inquisitor but good to know there is still a change for me to get the other two :)
MarkoH01: If you like this game from Terry Cavanagh you should take a look at (imo) his masterpiece "Super Hexagon". Each game usually lasts about a few seconds only (especially your first tries) but you are into hours of gameplay pretty much. Less than a game more like a drug for me - even it it seems to be unmanagable at first. Hey, he shows how easy it is himself:

Edit: And it's also chiptune soundtrack.
Tarnicus: It is from the guy who did Super Hexagon? Thea in the background just said "Tell him I love it! It's one of my favourite games to play." She is far more skilled at it than I, and I love the soundtrack for it! Definitely putting that on :)

Edit: Holy crap watching him play Super Hexagon now and he has MAD SKILLZ! lol He is insanely good at his own game! :)
See here. That thread should be marked as favorite by any soundtrack fan. :-)