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Gameslinger: Well, everyone, it's been a fun ride. I managed to get a lot of new games (3 of which I got free, either through crits or a very generous gift), and, although I didn't interact much here on the thread, I feel a little bit better prepared to try and make appearances in the forums a bit more often (It certainly helps that GOG's forumgoers are the nicest I have ever seen)

For now, I plan on sleeping, maybe seeing if I crit once more before the end of the sale tomorrow, and hopefully hanging out in here (provided 20-odd pages don't spring up in my absence, as has been the case throughout these past few days) So, goodnight all, seeing y'all around :)
Good night and good luck with the crits!
Hope to see you more often.
Big question, is anyone staying up tonight or very late? if so can anyone keep a look out for shadowrun returns for me?
Khajiin: God damn it... why does my body need sleep? -.-

Anyone got a spare copy to trade/gift/sell?
The_Blog: Just woke up but I figured someone would miss it. I bought a spare copy :)
Check you PM.

btw. I did prmise I would buy nothing on this sale anymore. Looks like this was a lie. But I try to keep the prmise from now on ^^
Thanks so much!
Zillatain: Am I misremembering, or did the last Insomnia Sale take 8 days?
justanoldgamer: I think you're right.
Nope I'm wrong. I'm apparently thinking about the length of the current one...

Anyway, I (finally) tracked it down. It was only about 5 days.
DreamedArtist: Big question, is anyone staying up tonight or very late? if so can anyone keep a look out for shadowrun returns for me?
I'll probably be up most, if not all, of the night. No coin to retrieve it for you, though.

Would sending you a message work for notification purposes?
I just found out that Dragonfall was keaning almost whole time I was sleeping. And don't talk about Heretic ^^
truhlik: I just found out that Dragonfall was keaning almost whole time I was sleeping. And don't talk about Heretic ^^
Yeah people seem to have no money left for anything more expensive than 2€.
truhlik: I just found out that Dragonfall was keaning almost whole time I was sleeping. And don't talk about Heretic ^^
Heretic? But iD titles aren't on GoG!
truhlik: I just found out that Dragonfall was keaning almost whole time I was sleeping. And don't talk about Heretic ^^
bugamn: Heretic? But iD titles aren't on GoG!
He is talking about Shadows: Heretic Kingdom ;)
truhlik: I just found out that Dragonfall was keaning almost whole time I was sleeping. And don't talk about Heretic ^^
bugamn: Heretic? But iD titles aren't on GoG!
I was too sleepy/lazy to write whole name - Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms :)

Post edited March 07, 2015 by truhlik
PalioDeMonte: Good morning, everybody! Seems like it's keaning a bit now. Anything left to look out for?
Depends on your taste,and what you already own. ;) Updated (other than LoG1) list of what's still to come is here:

Quite a few games I'd love to crit, but in terms of buying I'm still considering picking up

Defender's Quest (as gift)
Din's Curse
Piers Solar
Two Worlds 2
HunchBluntley: I'm pretty much the quintessential cheapskate "budget gamer", and I don't even slightly regret getting Din's Curse for "only" 50% off when it first arrived on GOG. The gameplay itself is pretty repetitive, but if you're used to Diablo-style ARPGs, you'll probably love it. It ain't exactly pretty, but it's got a lot of options, and the procedural generation gives it just a hint of roguelike flavor to keep things interesting.

As for Terraria, I've had it open in another window for the last few hours. =)
Crewdroog: ooo, you should post your creations on the terraria forum. if you have, I'll go look. I haven't visited in a while. billymaysfan59 made thread for it.

high-five on cheap gaming. and yes, I love Diablo. After I read judas' description of Din's Curse when it came out, i've been wanting to get my hands on it. it sounded like diablo, but with insane chaos (townfolk can die!!!). I'm ok with meh graphics if other parts of the game hold up. Pretty isn't everything.
I haven't really created anything yet beyond just functional housing for the NPCs. I keep most of my materials hoarded in chests -- "Mustn't make that grappling hook, I might need the lead(!) for something else!" (Because apparently lead = iron in Terraria. [sigh])

I take it you missed Judas' stream of DC on GOG's Twitch channel last year, then? (I went looking for it just now, but it seems their archived streams only go back a couple months. :( )
Ragnarblackmane: I hope you snagged some things you were after.
Both Sam & Max and Indy and some things I had not planned to buy.
bugamn: Heretic? But iD titles aren't on GoG!
The_Blog: He is talking about Shadows: Heretic Kingdom ;)
Would be an instant buy!

I remember the day we turned the other into a chickens, and the one with the faster cpu attacked faster and won :D
CarrionCrow: Topless astronomy involving Shannon Tweed or Beverly Lynne. It's a niche area of astronomy, but valid nonetheless. -laughs-
tinyE: Beverly Lynne is actually in this. XD What a guess!

Alas my guest just got here so I'm going to get them situated and hit the sack.

Gunnite, TinyE...just go easy on the sack, OK? I know it was an exciting "documentary" and all....