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RickyAndersen: Why not get all 3 Witcher games here instead?

You can get Witcher 1 for free here, and Witcher 2 is often on sale for cheap.
usePowerToolz: I've had the first 2 here on GOG for years... was hoping the EGS version of TW3 would activate here as well so I could have all 3 titles here on GOG.
I'm still waiting for them to let Steam owners of the game activate it here so I can get any extra goodies the GOG version has.

Eh, I'm in no rush. If it happens it happens, if not, then it's fine. They got a sale and I didn't buy it expecting to get a GOG version anytime soon, if ever.
CMOT70: I wouldn't be surprised if TW3 (just the base version) turns up as an Epic free game later this year anyway...right about when Cyberpunk launches.
blotunga: Why would they help the competition promote their store? If it will be free, it will be on GOG.
Because Epic would pay them for the "freebies". ;P
Leroux: Because Epic would pay them for the "freebies". ;P
It would still be a wrong marketing move. Do you see EA, Ubisoft or Valve giving away their games on Epic store?
Leroux: Because Epic would pay them for the "freebies". ;P
blotunga: It would still be a wrong marketing move. Do you see EA, Ubisoft or Valve giving away their games on Epic store?
EA and Valve - no, Ubisoft - yes.

Also, EA's, Valve's and Ubisoft's games are tied to their own client, but CDProjekt's aren't. You can already buy TW3 on Steam and Epic, so letting a store give it away while CDProjekt is still being paid for it wouldn't be such a big step from that. Sure, it would support a huge promo event for another store, but also promote CDProjekt games to a possibly even larger audience than before.
Post edited May 15, 2020 by Leroux
nightcraw1er.488: Does purchasing the Witcher 3 on GOG unlock it on EGS or steam?
Leroux: Buying TW3 on Humble Store gives you a GOG key, so it's a valid question.
Didn’t think humble provided any gog keys, in fact nowadays they are nothing more than a steam key seller.
nightcraw1er.488: Does purchasing the Witcher 3 on GOG unlock it on EGS or steam?
usePowerToolz: CD Project Red and GOG are sister companies and they have historically allowed for copies of Witcher games to be able to be activated here on GOG, even when bought elsewhere. For example, I purchased the original DVD version of Witcher 1, which I later activated here on GOG. I purchased Witcher 2 on Steam, which I activated here on GOG as well.

Insofar as it is a Witcher game and given the relationship between GOG and CD Project Red, I think it's a particularly valid question to ask.
Yes, but purchasing the full hard copy, all the money goes to cd project, so they can authorise their sub company to allow you download a copy. If you buy it through epic, a chunk of that money goes to epic (I assume it’s crippled by some drm, installer requirement, client ties, or need to do some special things), so essentially they would be worse off, and why would they want to give you a nice shiny installer wrapped version?

Also, not so much targeted at you, just seen quite a few of these types of threads recently which indicate that gog is being looked on as free ware by other store users.
Post edited May 15, 2020 by nightcraw1er.488
nightcraw1er.488: Didn’t think humble provided any gog keys, in fact nowadays they are nothing more than a steam key seller.
They only offer them for 4-5 games, but they do. The funny thing is that the filter for GOG games is listed under "DRM".
Leroux: EA and Valve - no, Ubisoft - yes.

Also, EA's, Valve's and Ubisoft's games are tied to their own client, but CDProjekt's aren't. You can already buy TW3 on Steam and Epic, so letting a store give it away while CDProjekt is still being paid for it wouldn't be such a big step from that. Sure, it would support a huge promo event for another store, but also promote CDProjekt games to a possibly even larger audience than before.
I think CDPR would rather want to attract more people to GOG, not to some other store just for some extra money.
blotunga: I think CDPR would rather want to attract more people to GOG, not to some other store just for some extra money.
Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. It would certainly cause a bit of an outrage on the GOG forums, I'd suspect, but it's not like that has ever stopped them from doing other things unpopular with the GOG crowd before. ;P
Post edited May 15, 2020 by Leroux
Leroux: EA and Valve - no, Ubisoft - yes.

Also, EA's, Valve's and Ubisoft's games are tied to their own client, but CDProjekt's aren't. You can already buy TW3 on Steam and Epic, so letting a store give it away while CDProjekt is still being paid for it wouldn't be such a big step from that. Sure, it would support a huge promo event for another store, but also promote CDProjekt games to a possibly even larger audience than before.
blotunga: I think CDPR would rather want to attract more people to GOG, not to some other store just for some extra money.
They're already letting the Epic version be the historic low price version with the 10€ coupon, by being 4.99€. As far as I know, the games had always the same discount be it on GOG, Steam and Humble (70% nowadays). Even on Humble I couldn't use the 20% off by being a subscriber, and that one gives you a GOG key.

So yeah by doing this they're promoting the Epic store with the game then they ever promoted GOG. So I think it's not far fatched to think that they migh accept giving it for free on Epic in the future (they'll be paid for it).
bluethief: They're already letting the Epic version be the historic low price version with the 10€ coupon, by being 4.99€. As far as I know, the games had always the same discount be it on GOG, Steam and Humble (70% nowadays). Even on Humble I couldn't use the 20% off by being a subscriber, and that one gives you a GOG key.

So yeah by doing this they're promoting the Epic store with the game then they ever promoted GOG. So I think it's not far fatched to think that they migh accept giving it for free on Epic in the future (they'll be paid for it).
That's Epic's decision, not CDPRs. Epic is giving the 10 euro extra
Green man gaming forever had better prices than steam etc by 5% or so. Because they simply reduced their own cut to a minimum
Post edited May 15, 2020 by blotunga
bluethief: They're already letting the Epic version be the historic low price version with the 10€ coupon, by being 4.99€. As far as I know, the games had always the same discount be it on GOG, Steam and Humble (70% nowadays). Even on Humble I couldn't use the 20% off by being a subscriber, and that one gives you a GOG key.

So yeah by doing this they're promoting the Epic store with the game then they ever promoted GOG. So I think it's not far fatched to think that they migh accept giving it for free on Epic in the future (they'll be paid for it).
blotunga: That's Epic's decision, not CDPRs. Epic is giving the 10 euro extra
Yeah I know, but I believe they need to contact the publishers to see if they accept that or not. I mean, in the case of Humble, CDP Red might have not accepted the game to be extra 20% off for subscribers, and that 20% off it's on Humble.
blotunga: That's Epic's decision, not CDPRs. Epic is giving the 10 euro extra
bluethief: Yeah I know, but I believe they need to contact the publishers to see if they accept that or not.
Wasn't there an outcry from developers the first time Epic did such a sale, because the devs hadn't been asked whether they would be okay with Epic's $10 coupons on top of the sale prices?

But, I don't see such a big difference to the freebie situation. Giving the game away for free would be Epic's decision, too, in a way, since they'd effectively buy the games from CDPR with their own money in order to give them away. (Although in this case I don't believe they would be able to do it without CDPR's consent, but still.)
Post edited May 15, 2020 by Leroux
bluethief: Yeah I know, but I believe they need to contact the publishers to see if they accept that or not.
Leroux: Wasn't there an outcry from developers the first time Epic did such a sale, because the devs hadn't been asked whether they would be okay with Epic's $10 coupons on top of the sale prices?

But, I don't see such a big difference to the freebie situation. Giving the game away for free would be Epic's decision, too, in a way, since they'd effectively buy the games from CDPR with their own money in order to give them away. (Although in this case I don't believe they would be able to do it without CDPR's consent, but still.)
Something like that. In that time there were no coupon, instead all the games were discounted 10$ already.

If they give Witcher 3 for free, yeah they need to talk to CDPR first and pay them too. Epic already said that every free game they give, they paid the publishers for it. It makes sense of course.
bluethief: Yeah I know, but I believe they need to contact the publishers to see if they accept that or not.
Leroux: Wasn't there an outcry from developers the first time Epic did such a sale, because the devs hadn't been asked whether they would be okay with Epic's $10 coupons on top of the sale prices?
The coupon was paid for by epic themselves so the devs didn't lose out which made their complaints seem suspect.
Leroux: Wasn't there an outcry from developers the first time Epic did such a sale, because the devs hadn't been asked whether they would be okay with Epic's $10 coupons on top of the sale prices?
Spectre: The coupon was paid for by epic themselves so the devs didn't lose out which made their complaints seem suspect.
Well, one aspect why they might care is that quite a few gamers judge the value of a game by the highest discount is has gotten yet, so they would be less likely to pay higher prices if they know: "On Epic it could be had for $5 during the last sale, and now I'm supposed to get excited by a sale that offers it for $15? No, thank you."