GameRager: 1. Look it up if you have time. The game was leaked and many pirated it/sales tanked(or so the claim goes).
2. The leak happened beforehand and used a screener/etc copy and leaked before the game even began being sold iirc.
Pond86: Whilst the game was pirated a lot, that wasn't the reason as to why the other parts never got made.
Ritual were working on the next parts, but then MumboJumbo brought Ritual and halted production on it. I never understood why Mumbo brought Ritual, and still don't as Ritual made games like SiN, where as Mumbo makes puzzle games such as 7 Wonders and hidden adventures such as Samantha Swift.
You'd have to think, though, that the pirated numbers and the leak BEFORE game release didn't HELP sales/pushes towards another installment, though.
Also some companies buy some others to SIT on IPs and keep them from being sold if they compete with their own brand/company in some way, or they buy such as they see the company's work is popular and if it does well they will continue it and if not they shelve it. :\
GameRager: 1. Look it up if you have time. The game was leaked and many pirated it/sales tanked(or so the claim goes).
2. The leak happened beforehand and used a screener/etc copy and leaked before the game even began being sold iirc.
Timboli: Well if that's the case, it is certainly not common knowledge.
Wikipedia I made the mistake of taking too long to get around to installing, so by the time I realized the situation with Steam, it was too late to return. Back at that period of time, a lot of people were returning boxed games that had a Steam requirement ... especially as it was often poorly marked on the case, even missing for some. This was especially so for those in countries not the USA, where internet speeds made Steam very painful to use.
Wikipedia often has missing information(They only allow news articles from some sources as proof to back stuff up, and not some others like company workers/those in the industry/related to the thing being talked about, and anyone can edit it) and other issues......also yeah it was leaked before was big news back then IIRC.
GameRager: 1. Look it up if you have time. The game was leaked and many pirated it/sales tanked(or so the claim goes).
2. The leak happened beforehand and used a screener/etc copy and leaked before the game even began being sold iirc.
Anime-BlackWolf: Nope. The pirated copy as is is UNPLAYABLE, since it has SEVERE bugs, that make the game unbeatable from the middle of the episode on...
The normal game had those SEVERE bugs, too, but was updated a few weeks after the release, but those constant updates made old bugs appear again for some parts. ^^
I NEYER found a pirated copy EVER, that worked completely. Even today. So if you wanted to PLAY the game, you needed the "buyable" one.
On the other hand the episodic structure killed the game. For it's retail price, the gameplay was WAY to short. Even today the normal episode is to short, even for 10 bucks. The "arena" mode does not change that.
Fans waited for a complete game, which never came. Why invest time in a partial game? The story ends in nowhere, this "first episode" is a prologue, nothing more.
The sellout to MumboJumbo killed the rest. Ritual should have made a complete game and sold that for normal price, then the sales would have been MUCH higher...
EDIT: The episodic structure AND DRM Steam killed the game for me, I am a huge fan of those SIN characters, but a) episodic and b) STEAM DRM were an absolute NO WAY for me and I think I was not the only one.
1. The bugs in the pirated version likely turned off those who pirated to try it out before buying as well.
2. Yeah it's short.....and sadly HL2 episodes went the same route and failed(we will likely never see a finish to them or HL3).
3. I wasn't turned off by the Steam requirement as I could crack it out if I was the shortness and how it ended with no continuation that bothered me the most....that, and no subtitles on things like the phone calls.
I mean, why not subtitle EVERYTHING in a game? Why do that? :\