Tauto: What?One of the best games that can be modded for just about anything.
deathknight1728: I cant im playing on ps3. I dont play pc games much. So without modding can enemies respawn? If they cant then the game is a disgrace to previous ones.
Thiev: Each game 'cell' has repawn timer, a longer one if you cleared the location completely.
It can be easily tweaked / removed with mod though - I'm playing with no respawns whatsoever.
deathknight1728: So if you beat a few enemies they wil respawn? How long a couple days?
not to be that person that asks you why you're asking what you're asking but I am curious how you got to this place of worrying over this and why it breaks the game for you.
most places that you get to after a loading screen, and in the case of the world itself, it's broken up into slices, are called in the game's terminology cells.
each cell will respawn after 10 days of in-game time if you are not in that area if you have not done something which will set a "cleared" flag. when a cell is cleared it will be noted on the map as cleared and will always be noted as cleared.
areas or "cells" that are cleared will respawn after 30 in-game days again instead of 10. again, you must not visit that area. if you visit the area again, the cell's timer will reset. this is done I guess so that if you have loot left around, you have time to go back and get it. and also so it's not game-breaking and not to mention stupid that people are alawys there.
usually the condition to set a location cleared is by killing its "boss" npc. this is usally the strongest bandit/conjurer/whatever in the area, the one next to the big chest.
there are some dungeons, a good few actually, which may not be cleared.
there are rare dungeons where the condition to set a cleared flag is actually not killing the boss but doing some quest or condition of some kind.
edit: thanks to thiev. I originally said non-cleared spawn times were 2 days instead of 10. don't know how I got that in my head.
double edit: if GOG releases Skyrim I'm gonna cream my pants.