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jeromedetraz: No achievements for Batman: Arkham Knight?
Yeah, I noticed that too. All other games have them.. maybe coming later?
Wow this is so cool, can't believe the Arkham games are here!

Do you get anything buying the "Telltale Batman Shadows Edition" (that includes both games) that you don't get by buying the first game and the "Shadow Modes" seperately and already having the previous second game giveaway?
jeromedetraz: No achievements for Batman: Arkham Knight?
A bit odd ya as the other Arkham games have achievements, maybe they will get added later on (got three games to play through before getting to it at any rate).
Holy *(@#^@*#^ *(#@&! The Arkham series! Thank you so much.
alright, you're killing me. i am so broke with horizon zero dawn, cyberpunk, and now batman. keep it up! :D
This. Is. AWESOME!!

Instabuying all the Arkham series! I've been itching to play them again anyway.
Amazing Work GOG and WB. Thank you for these games. Instabuy.
Vythonaut: Wow, what a year!
Yes, a great year for DRM-free games and espacially GOG, a mediocre year for gaming hardware (many disappointing products, many product with big shipping problems) and a bad year in several other areas.

But hey, let´s celebrate the stuff that is great!
The whole Arkham series at 5 pips each? That's good enough for me to even buy Arkham Knight, the only one I don't own already, along with DRM free others. And Oblivion was also finally available at 5 this week. Lots of new stuff in my gog library.
While I was at it added Lego 3 and 5 older games from Black Friday sale - haven't spent this much on pc games in one month in years, probably.
Post edited November 27, 2020 by musteriuz
Incredible. KEEP THEM COMING!!!!

You are really killing it lately GOG.

Already have Asylum and City on discs, but might buy Origins and Knight later.
Post edited November 27, 2020 by idbeholdME

My wallet despises you. I cannot purchase them all at this time. That saddens me.

Great news! I thought that something was up when I saw those new, shiny icons for the Arkham games in my Galaxy library.

Thanks WB Games and GOG! I`m gonna get these today! :D
Retroman88: GOG what are you doing to me? Instant buys for Horizon Zero Dawn the Arkham games and a Black Friday sale too?

My other half just said that if I spend any more money on GOG then she is leaving me!...I am going to miss her :D
I just imagined that disussion... "Sorry babe, can't help you move your stuff. Need to download and play... but you know the way out, right? Miss you.. BYE!" :D
Arkham series? HELL YEAH.