Marcus-Havoc: Yes, I am certain, I only ever interacted with them during the last argument where I simply pointed out their flaws in translation, but they seem very triggered about that. You really fear your consumers went you threaten to ban them because somebody mentions their translations might not be all they claim them to be in terms of quality.
The VN industry is slowly dying for real. Most artist that are famous for their art have switched from erotic art to Manga releases. Lilith soft is more like a Gacha games these days, and even Empress is barely releasing full games. They are releasing another next month, but they are always short, like the last one. This month and next one are the only ones with 10 or more new releases, while the months after that are like only 3/4 games releases.
Most VN are like shovelware, low in quality. Japan had a moment where they just produce copy-pasted like VN.
Also, the Japanese generally don't care about the west getting a bad translation because they will get the accurate version that stays true to the artists meanings, seeing as they won't see much of the profit that western VN make off them.
Calls me a child while he makes up lies to discredit me, that’s pretty triggered if you ask me. You seem more triggered about the fact that people might not support your delusion of supporting a butchered product.

TheGrimLord: Well let's keep in mind that you personally do not support any localized titles because you fear they may be butchered, so that is a silly and stupid argument. To be honest, and this to everyone here - and you should be discredited and reviled because you despise any localization attempt ever - I actually got more into WEG's and I have GOG to thank for that with Being A DIK. I now support many of these devs and the creators of games like Shady Lewd Kart, Marble Maid and Future Fragments. I also support City Of Broken Dreamers, Treasure Of Nadia and The Genesis Order. In fact the Daz 3D scene is blowing up in the west right now and there are some VERY good storytellers that rival the Japanese in some ways. Maybe because I am from the west I can get that style a bit better. There is no sign of these games ending too, because they make thousands a month from Patreon.
I once thought I would have been upset if the visual novel scene did die and go to gacha shit, but I'm not. There are so many good western ones coming out with a more realistic art style that I'm just going to start supporting them. Daz 3D isn't perfect, but it's good enough. Just the models alone get a lot of attention on social media, which I'm sure you don't use. And my fans love it when I read these games online for them. I never expected the west to do what they're doing now and it's pretty much the golden age of these games. So if people are going to manga and gacha over there, it's fine - we have the Western Erotic Games scene now.
And I've been told by many sources that most Japanese do not like anime and manga that much, they actually get more into western content. They're watching Netflix, HBO Max, Paramount and others. I'm told they really like American Idol and our music scene. I'm told that most of the content made in the anime community now is for the western market.
But one thing is for sure, they all loved Shin Ultraman. Shin Kamen Rider is gonna be lit too.
Edit: Blood did not say we couldn't say your name in the server, I clearly remember something being banned, but maybe it was in my head because he doesn't. So I will apologize there. He DID more or less confirm what you said though, the scene is dwindling and has been for a while now.
Again, I am not messed up about it as we are in the Renaissance of WEG (Western Erotic Games).
At least you have shown your true colors, and you're willing to lie to discredit people by making up bullshit. Shows what a two-faced person you really are. Triggered because I'm stating facts that you don't want to see. Grow up and move on loser, you're only ever complaining to people that don't have the simp attitude that you have.
I will continue to show people the true face of the anime industry in general and what they are supporting.
SmollestLight: TheGrimLord and Marcus-Havoc please refrain from further derailing the thread and take the conversations to DMs :)
Why would I DM with a guy that is spewing lies? Simply because I triggered him with the facts, that the anime industry if full of localizer/translators with an agenda. I don't hang around people that lie or make up people, let alone that will simp because they can't think for themselves.
But I will be leaving it at this for now.
But I guess we found out what you really like these for
ion00: You have no clue what I really like these for.
You only play them for the sex?
ion00: No, I don't play them for the H scenes. In fact I usually skim through a lot of them if they tend to drag on for too long. There's only so much moaning and screaming that I can listen to at any given time. However, H scenes are a part of these types of software products and as such I wish for these scenes to be of as high audio-visual quality as possible.
Great stories, memorable characters, good art and amazing music.
ion00: A mosaic applied to a piece of artwork is a destructive operation which blemishes it and takes away from its original value. Hence the presented art becomes an inferior version of its original self. You might say that art is only part of the entire whole, and that CG are another part of that, while the H CG's are, in turn, only a small part of that, and that the mosaiced section is yet again a small portion of a CG, so that in the end you still end up with a 99.99% pristine product, you personally might be satisfied with that. I am not. I want 100%.
If the Japanese want it censored
ion00: As an aside, I don't think it's the Japanese themselves at large want it censored, but rather their government does. But I don't want this to turn into an autistic rant about political representation, so fine we'll admit that all of them want it censored.
because it's their country, their product and their laws.
ion00: And my money, which I can use to support censorsed products or not.
There's more than enough hentai porn that can be found in various manga, manwha
ion00: But those aren't visual novels. Those are comic books.
and even sites that host all the CG from various games.
ion00: This is a coping mentality, because those CGs are part of a larger whole where they are intended to be witnessed by the reader together with background story, character development, dialogue, voice over and music. So no, AI decensored CG's, regardless of how powerful the algorithm is, is no substitute.
Some companies are completely against demosaicing.
ion00: I understand that. They are afraid that they will lose money from their local market if the Japanese start obtaining the uncensored versions from the West. I have no power to convince them otherwise. But because I am against this type censorship, all I can do is to support companies who do release uncensored versions in the West, and to also ecnourage other potential buyers to do the same.
Don't take much notice of him, all he wants is for you to simp like him. He hates people that won't buy the content he likes because they have a principle they stand for. He has no right to complain about your choice.
Your Money, Your Choice.