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Title: Saya no Uta ~ The Song of Saya Director's Cut
Genre: Adventure and simulation

Title: Dead End Aegis
Genre: Adventure

Title: SoniComi
Genre: Adventure
Discount: 70% off until 20th January 2022, 2 PM UTC

Title: Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
Genre: Visual novel
Discount: 10% off until 20th January 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated

Few things project bigger than an IMAX, but you clearly do.

[Modded by Sarafan: Edited the quoted part]
Post edited January 21, 2022 by Sarafan
low rated
LifeLover: Horey, Region Lock Friday came back!,
*cough* Fixed that for you *cough*

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)
low rated
For those looking for a really good story, Saya No Uta and Muramasa will offer that to you. Muramasa is pretty deep as far as the plot goes.

Warning: Dead End Aegis gets ROUGH. I'm not talking about the tentacles either, it gets a lot crazier than that. They treat the girls like cattle. It's hard to read, but I'm going through it.
low rated
Another pleasant surprise. I was hoping that Muramasa would end up on GOG. I already picked it up from Jast a while ago (and SnU too), but it's welcome none the less.

Frostyfirefly: I keep hearing how Saya no Uta is such a good VN, but I like it more when the main character ends up with a MILF or oneesan type of character. If those choices are available within the game, I'm definitely in!
The choices in SnU are not a "choose your love interest" type, but more of a "in what messed direction will the story go" type.
low rated
Saya no Uta - $14.99 on Gog - $ 9.99 + $ 1.99 on Jast

SoniComi - $34.99 on Gog - $ 17.49 on Jast

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa - $39.99 on Gog - $ 19.99 on Jast
low rated
Melvinica: Saya no Uta - $14.99 on Gog - $ 9.99 + $ 1.99 on Jast

SoniComi - $34.99 on Gog - $ 17.49 on Jast

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa - $39.99 on Gog - $ 19.99 on Jast
In what currency? And are those up to date? I'm checking Jast right now, and Muramasa is $39.99, Saya no Uta is $19.99 and Sonicomi is $34.99 (all prices in USD)
low rated
LifeLover: Horey, Region Lock Friday came back!,
NuffCatnip: *cough* Fixed that for you *cough*

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)
I really don't understand why games with erotic content are blocked in Germany... I can understand when games with the swastika and soviet symbols are blocked in different countries, but games with erotic content - don't understand this position.
P.S. In my opinion - it's always better to remove something (of course not erotic scenes but symbols of WWII / Cold War: swastika and soviet symbols) and publish game than not to publish the game at all!
Post edited January 14, 2022 by LifeLover
low rated
Melvinica: Saya no Uta - $14.99 on Gog - $ 9.99 + $ 1.99 on Jast

SoniComi - $34.99 on Gog - $ 17.49 on Jast

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa - $39.99 on Gog - $ 19.99 on Jast
bsmrk_95: In what currency? And are those up to date? I'm checking Jast right now, and Muramasa is $39.99, Saya no Uta is $19.99 and Sonicomi is $34.99 (all prices in USD)
Us dollars. Must be regional pricing.
fullmetal.jpg (186 Kb)
low rated
bsmrk_95: In what currency? And are those up to date? I'm checking Jast right now, and Muramasa is $39.99, Saya no Uta is $19.99 and Sonicomi is $34.99 (all prices in USD)
Melvinica: Us dollars. Must be regional pricing.
That's quite the difference.
low rated
NuffCatnip: *cough* Fixed that for you *cough*

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)
LifeLover: I really don't understand why games with erotic content are blocked in Germany... I can understand when games with the swastika and soviet symbols are blocked in different countries, but games with erotic content - don't understand this position.
Neither do I. :)
Weirdly enough, violence in games hasn't been censored in recent years (at least not as bad as 10 years ago), back in the day they removed blood effects and the like. Now you can buy Mortal Kombat and other over the top games with gore and whatnot without any issues. Even Swastikas in the recent Wolfenstein games weren't censored. If it weren't so infuriating being patronized like would actually be funny. :P
low rated
Marcus-Havoc: Kinda curious about Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa.

Did you people ever fix this reference that was wrongly translated?

And did you people remove the homophobic line that triggered one of the translators?

Not meant for you firstpastthepost, I can't post links because of how many people i triggered with my comments.
Seryuu: If you are talking about the 18+ version, then no, nothing was censored in it.
About the reference, I haven't worked on this one, so not sure. But was that ever reported to official channels? I will look into it.
Just curious to see if it was true, seeing as there was a lengthy rant on Reddit about feeling that this game should never have been translated, let alone by the ones assigned to it.
low rated

I am probably one of the most qualified people in the world to comment on the quality of a visual novel translation.
Ha ha, oh wow. I understand that in translating, it is often difficult and at times impossible to perfectly capture the meaning/nuances of one language, and to convey it to readers of another language, but man that OP is full it.
Post edited January 14, 2022 by bsmrk_95
Seryuu: If you are talking about the 18+ version, then no, nothing was censored in it.
About the reference, I haven't worked on this one, so not sure. But was that ever reported to official channels? I will look into it.
Marcus-Havoc: Just curious to see if it was true, seeing as there was a lengthy rant on Reddit about feeling that this game should never have been translated, let alone by the ones assigned to it.
Gambs is a complicated person, he is anti translation generally and believes that VNs should only ever be experienced in Japanese. But that is a whole different topic on itself, I rather not bring JOP drama here.

As always, I would recommend you to try the game for yourself, as you already know JAST has no question refund policy. That means you have nothing to lose if you happen to dislike it, and refunding also makes a stronger statement than arguing with translators on Twitter and forums, as the management directly sees why you did it, and how it affects sales.
low rated
Must (no)... support (NO)... 18+ games (STOP!)... on GOG. *Pay money.
Jokes aside. When I first discovered The Witcher, more than the story or the gameplay, it was the awesomeness of the retail package and goodies on and the in-your-face rejection of puritan feet-binding that convinced me. I can count the number of games I pre-ordered on one hand (I am addicted to deals), two of them are The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077.
My problems aside. I remember playing JAST USA games furtively after school and before my folks came home from work.Good memories. I have long since been liberated by adulthood and disposable income. So too shall the West (I guess really just the US) be liberated!
Since this is Good "Old" Games, we should bring back some of those earliest classics like Nocturnal Illusion.
Post edited January 14, 2022 by Unfallen_Satan
low rated
Welp I caved and got full metal demon muramasa looks interesting at the least, will bite into it this weekend.
Post edited January 14, 2022 by Lord_Kane