Posted August 30, 2019
Fender_178: Hell fire goes beyond Blizzard's vision too being an unofficial expansion to Diablo. I like the belzebub mod for Diablo because it add so much new content to the game and makes it so much better but thats just me. To each their own.
Pherim: And let's face it, Diablo's balance is pretty awful. The sorcerer is extremely overpowered, and with mana shield he doesn't need any attributes besides Magic. He's also by far the most fun to play. But I still have more fun playing melee classes so since i lost all my saves when I changed hard drives (dang:P) i play barb, have ton of fun, and when I get some mana steal items I will create a warior and go from there.
I can't imagine playing this game in low res, without alt to show items on the floor, without few badass quests this mod added and class abilities for warrior and others, and without trade stash so my mage can find items for my wariors but they can find some books for him.