NoNewTaleToTell: Anybody here have any experience with Dex you'd like to share?
I've completed it.
Pros & Cons:
+ Writing/Voice Acting is consistently great (IMO)
+ Story is typical cyberpunk but still good.
+ Superb atmosphere
+ Awesome soundtrack, sometimes wonderful and fits the genre very much
+ Interesting but awkward combat. I didn't use any guns as I wanted to sneak as much as possible, only melee if I had to.
+ Even side quests feels genuine and not like soulless fetch quests
- Random, unexplainable performance drops. There's smal stuttering too but it's rare.
- Combat is more or less awkward but serviceable. Sometimes however it's just lame or broken though.*
- Annoying check point system*
*Switching weapons in combat is annoying as enemies with guns just start shooting like crazy as soon as they see you. At least they are powerful enough that if you learn how to aim the game is a cakewalk. If you sneak up on enemies you can perform a silent take down (there's no indication regarding lethal or non-lethal though) which I abused a lot but I had to sneak a lot too so it felt challenging enough.
Fighting in melee was fun though as you have a jump kick (if you are good you can stun lock most enemies), a sweep kick that knocks enemies down, very useful against multiple enemies if you don't want or couldn't perform any silent takedowns. There's a upper jump kick as well that dealt higher damage and as you make progress you can increase your base melee damage so at the end I could perform 2 or 3 of these and they would take out one of the weaker enemies (closer to the end there are armored enemies with more HP and immune to silent take downs). I'm not sure if it was due to poor design or glitching but sometimes combos didn't work but fortunately this wasn't a problem because it's easy to avoid taking damage if you learn how to dodge and jump at the right time.
* Once you unlock the map (make sure to play at least until this or it won't be guaranteed that the game is saved) you save every time you travel to a new destination so everytime I wanted to quit or save, I just travelled. Good enough I guess but I didn't learn this in-game, I found out by reading online. Anyway, if you deep into a mission without a map change and you die, you will lose several minutes. The saving grace here is that the missions aren't that long that this causes an issue.
TL;DR As long as you are aware of how the check point system works, accept and learn the questionable but serviceable combat system and has a decent computer that the performance issues doesn't become an issue you will likely enjoy this game.
I think it's described as a platforming cyberpunk which I suppose is what it is but as I made progress and unlocked implants it felt more like a Cyberpunk metroidvania with light RPG elements.
As a beginner tips: as soon as you unlock implants, make sure to acquire high jump, gas protection and if you need it, there's a health regeneration booster (there's no resource meter in this game so if you are patient you can survive in situations even if you have no restorative items). There are ways to unlock implant slots as well, make sure to unlock them for some interesting implants.