Reznov64: Amazon is still selling games after they have been delisted, why can't GOG bring back JYDGE in the same way?
Could be a lot of reasons for that, however, it will most likely come down to the reason for delisting. In the case of Wasted Land, the game was delisted as the developer stopped supporting and selling it - whereas with JYDGE it sounds like there was an IP issue.
JYDGE is not coming back in its original form. Probably ever.
The second aspect may be in terms of how the game is actually being sold. It is entirely possible that Amazon purchased a load of keys before the game was delisted - as these keys existed before delisting, they can continue to be used. However, GoG (and Steam) tend to work slightly differently - the licence is issued when the game is purchased (imagine a key being generated when the game is purchased rather than already existing ready to be sold). For GoG to do what Amazon is doing in that instance, they would need to invest their own money in buying copies from the publisher before delisting - which they may never sell, never recouping investment.
The other aspect to this is that GoG needs to respect what the IP holders are telling it to do. Unlike Amazon, GoG don't have the money or resources to get into an argument with the IP holders or publishers.