eladz: Humble bundle are on a roll, a new Mass Effect and Dragon Age by Dark Horse bundle added:
https://www.humblebundle.com/books/dragon-age-and-mass-effect-comics-dark-horse-books I got the $1 tier and it has both CBZ and PDF, despite Dark Horse telling someone they're only doing PDF bundles a week or so ago (on the last page) ! File sizes are decent too - Dark Fortress is 2000x3000 pixels and 50MB CBZ / 400MB PDF for 74 pages.
If you've already got any of these, though, this bundle might not be the cheapest way to get more - I think the Dragon Age "First Five Books" omni that's been out for ages is everything except the most recent 9 new issues (3 runs of 3-issue each) all of which are $1.99 full price - and the $1-tier Dark Fortress is one of those 3!
I read a lot of dark horse stuff but they have a nasty habit of making 3-issue TPBs they sell for $10 or $12 when the individual issues are $1.99 full price!
Really good they're doing more bundles though :)