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I am considering getting a curved monitor with higher resolution and all that but was a little worried about the curve. I am using a Samsung 32 in TV for my monitor right now. I was also worried is it easy to go down in resolution if my computer cant handle a game on default resolution.
this is what I am considering

this is my computer

thanks I was just wondering the community's opinion i play mostly older games but do play some new games.
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Curved monitors are mostly a pointless gimmick. Especially below 34", reading suggests.

I'll withhold any comments about the price of your computer.
Darvond: Curved monitors are mostly a pointless gimmick. Especially below 34", reading suggests.

I'll withhold any comments about the price of your computer.
thanks I am clueless I don't want to spent too much
Darvond: Curved monitors are mostly a pointless gimmick. Especially below 34", reading suggests.

I'll withhold any comments about the price of your computer.
I thought they helped with glare, especially if you are close to a window, which I am. Not that it matters now because I'm in a blizzard.
Post edited February 23, 2019 by tinyE
I think curved TVs are useless, but for screens it's a different matter, giving a nice panoramic view, if the screen is big enough. But I wouldn't buy a curved 16:9 screen, it's just not enough space to make much of a difference, 21:9 screens on the other hand would work a lot better.

Btw, 1920x1080 is a really low resolution for a 32" screen, id definitely look for a 4K display if I wanted a screen this size or bigger.
I'd never buy a curved monitor. The curve distorts the pixels so that you can't possibly do accurate work on them, such as editing images.

Plus, most curved monitors have bizarre resolutions & aspect ratios that many games, videos, and programs don't support properly. So using them will result in huge black bars all over the place a lot or most of the time, with the image not taking up the full screen (this is obviously extremely annoying).

To avoid all those problems I mentioned, I'd only consider going with a 16:9, totally flat monitor.
Post edited February 24, 2019 by Ancient-Red-Dragon