etna87: Just saw this post. Have a +1 for the link, I find it very interesting to read such breakdowns of costs - and I have not seen many kickstarters do that.
ET3D: Fred Hicks is my favourite project creator. He provides great value, timely releases and doesn't hide anything (that I know of ;).
Do you know the Order of the Stick kickstarter? The "timely release" may not apply there, but the rest is still great and the creator was unable to work for a while because he seriously injured his thumb (cut or nearly cut some sinew, I believe). Anyway, his handling of the kickstarter and his communication was great, imho.
edit: Actually, IIRC, the physical rewards were delayed a bit, but not terribly long, I believe. He gave updates with reasons, like bad quality of prototypes he got from a printer or other things. And I don't remember if there ever was a date for the digital pdfs etc.
Some people (Fred Hicks definitely included) manage to make their backers glad to have backed.