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ZFR: My experience is that the title needs to show that you're actively looking for players. My "Looking for players..." for Harry Potter got us 4 new players. Lift's "Come play with us..." for Shining got 3.

A "sign-up thread for X" has proven to be more likely to be skipped by people.
PookaMustard: I suggest that zazak ditch this signup thread and then create a fresh signup thread. For example, "BECOME ONE OF THE SULTAN'S COURT!" or something (caps not necessary)
Can't our resident Moderator change thread titles?
"Win a free game by signing up!"

The game is Court of the Sultan
zazak09: There is no boring RVS stage.
RVS boring? o.0

Imo it's one of the best parts. :D

zazak09: You don't get a participation award if your faction wins after your death.
Eh, that's ok...i'll print my own. :D


PookaMustard: Also, to onlookers, JOIN US! We have cookies. And we don't have any idea how to play this particular game, just like YOU!
Ah, the good old "offering sweets and acting like newbs while being ringers" ploy....a classic.
Post edited April 22, 2020 by GameRager
zazak09: "Win a free game by signing up!"

The game is Court of the Sultan
and all I have to do to WIN is sign up? alright then
JoeSapphire: and all I have to do to WIN is sign up? alright then
It's a scam, I still don't have my free game.
zazak09: "Win a free game by signing up!"

The game is Court of the Sultan
JoeSapphire: and all I have to do to WIN is sign up? alright then
Do I get my free game if I sign up as a sub?
JoeSapphire: and all I have to do to WIN is sign up? alright then
joppo: Do I get my free game if I sign up as a sub?
I don't know what this is but I'll play.
lonzi: I don't know what this is but I'll play.

I don't know what it is either. But I guess we'll find out while playing.
We just need one more player!
Joppo can substitute for 11th place, technically.
I'm sorry, I think I'm going to have to withdraw if both games are starting around the same time. Sorry!
Damn! I was just about to announce that I had found an eleventh player!

With SirP bailing out, I'm going to have to cancel the game like I said in the administration thread. It's too bad...
Post edited April 23, 2020 by zazak09
Ah, I'm sorry. I'd rather not be in both at the same time if it can be avoided. You do have Joppo on the sub list ready to replace someone...
SirPrimalform: I'm sorry, I think I'm going to have to withdraw if both games are starting around the same time.
We can hold the mafia game for court of the sultan to run. It's not gonna be starting immediately anyway, with the sign-up numbers .