Posted September 29, 2016

It seems they've been almost completely westernized in this sense.
EDIT: Looks like you just clarified this, so my post ended up a bit redundant.

And one thing I know for sure ;) the international Tokyo Airport at my time did not have a single western style toilet! Reason why I know it, got of the plain and I had some urgency, I mean urgency to visit the toilet. (yes we visit toilets not restrooms ;) )
Got into the area, opened halve the doors when the guy cleaning there was just shaking his head, indicating, no western style toilets around. Might have changed nowadays though, that's roughly 15 years ago (IIRC)
Public toilets have probably changed since you've been there. Don't think I've been to the bathroom in the airport, but my experience with train stations, convenience stores, malls and bars usually had the western style ones. Sometimes only the western style ones, like in my university. I think those might be a little more space efficient.