Posted September 29, 2015

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From United States

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Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2015
tinyE: Was there ever any negative effects to that? I kept waiting throughout the book and movie for junkies to start showing up, 10 pounds and all strung out. :P I don't know. Well the navigators of the Spacing Guild were barely human due to the spice consumption if i'm not mistaken.
And it's of course the reason for conflict but i can't remember any physical disadvantages....
But i just started to reread Dune and i frankly don't remember that much :P

And it's of course the reason for conflict but i can't remember any physical disadvantages....
But i just started to reread Dune and i frankly don't remember that much :P
Post edited September 29, 2015 by ElTerprise

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted September 29, 2015

I mean everybody knows that the book was written on drugs.

I don't know. Well the navigators of the Spacing Guild were barely human due to the spice consumption if i'm not mistaken.
And it's of course the reason for conflict but i can't remember any physical disadvantages....
But i just started to reread Dune and i frankly don't remember that much :P
Yeah, I don't want to lose any face.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2015

Wasn't there supposed to be another Dune movie? Hmm...last heard about that some years ago...
Would be nice though after the Lynch attempt and the Mini-series that had a way too small budget...
Post edited September 29, 2015 by ElTerprise

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted September 29, 2015

Wasn't there supposed to be another Dune movie? Hmm...last heard about that some years ago...
Would be nice though after the Lynch attempt and the Mini-series that had a way too small budget...
Sure it's a cool space opera, featuring a cool planet and cool monsters. But I always thought it was way overhyped.
My main problem with it was its hig-brow concepts and the premise that getting high allows you to access a higher level of existence or whatever. It more or less argues that a good high will allow you to set foot outside the platonic cave (look that one up, it always fascinated me). Which was an actual thing back in the 60's.
But getting high is just getting high otherwise methheads would hold the secrets of the universe.
I kept plodding through until I reached the 3rd book. At which point, I took a step back, got a good look at what I was reading and said to hell with this.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2015

Sure it's a cool space opera, featuring a cool planet and cool monsters. But I always thought it was way overhyped.
My main problem with it was its hig-brow concepts and the premise that getting high allows you to access a higher level of existence or whatever. It more or less argues that a good high will allow you to set foot outside the platonic cave (look that one up, it always fascinated me). Which was an actual thing back in the 60's.
But getting high is just getting high otherwise methheads would hold the secrets of the universe.
I kept plodding through until I reached the 3rd book. At which point, I took a step back, got a good look at what I was reading and said to hell with this.
Alright. Think i'm going to sleep now. Good night everyone. See you tomorrow :)
Post edited September 29, 2015 by ElTerprise

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015
Must not beat head against desk while playing Winter Assault...

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2015
Dawn of war? The commander is badass though. His planetary invasion force consists of 2 units of guardsmen, a commissar and himself. You need adamantium, emperor class testicles to attack a chaos/ork infested planet with just that.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by Soccorro

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015
Not really. All they need is the glue-sniffing hacks writing the story to decide that it's sufficient.

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015

Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena has included at least one "classic" sequence from Escape From Butcher Bay: "You and an accomplice escaped! Oh wait you didn't!". I really hate that sequence.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015

Regurgitation of crap sequences after they failed to be effective the first time. Awesome.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by CarrionCrow

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015
Well I'm having my own "Crow Moment" here! I REALLY want to like Van Helsing 2, I really do. The game is beautiful and gameplay has a nice rhythm to it when it's working, bouncing back and forth between ranged and melee combat and all my various skills. Plus there's enough fun stuff going on in the background that I enjoy (the banter and growth of my ghost, sending my minions on missions, LOOT!!!).
HOWEVER... I feel like 8 times out of 10 the game expects me to buy my way through encounters! So many attacks play like this: "Die almost instantly, buy respawn, get in a whack or two, die, buy respawn, kill a guy, die, buy respawn..." repeat until the mass of guys is clear. And respawns are proportional to total gold, so the game intends me to keep doing this. I'll play for about five minutes and have a smile on my face, then enter the dreaded "Buy a Respawn" mode and instantly start to hate the game - it kills all immersion and fun.
I'm fully hoping someone in here will jump in and tell me my build sucks, I suck and "do X" which is hopefully something basic that I'm missing. Because I really, really want to play this game and like it! There's enough going on there where I hope I'm missing something basic that's making me so fragile or easy to be mopped all over the floor. Because I really don't want to give up on this one, but I think I might have to if I'm not missing something (all the glowing praise can't be from people who are having the same experience as I am).
HOWEVER... I feel like 8 times out of 10 the game expects me to buy my way through encounters! So many attacks play like this: "Die almost instantly, buy respawn, get in a whack or two, die, buy respawn, kill a guy, die, buy respawn..." repeat until the mass of guys is clear. And respawns are proportional to total gold, so the game intends me to keep doing this. I'll play for about five minutes and have a smile on my face, then enter the dreaded "Buy a Respawn" mode and instantly start to hate the game - it kills all immersion and fun.
I'm fully hoping someone in here will jump in and tell me my build sucks, I suck and "do X" which is hopefully something basic that I'm missing. Because I really, really want to play this game and like it! There's enough going on there where I hope I'm missing something basic that's making me so fragile or easy to be mopped all over the floor. Because I really don't want to give up on this one, but I think I might have to if I'm not missing something (all the glowing praise can't be from people who are having the same experience as I am).

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted September 29, 2015

HOWEVER... I feel like 8 times out of 10 the game expects me to buy my way through encounters! So many attacks play like this: "Die almost instantly, buy respawn, get in a whack or two, die, buy respawn, kill a guy, die, buy respawn..." repeat until the mass of guys is clear. And respawns are proportional to total gold, so the game intends me to keep doing this. I'll play for about five minutes and have a smile on my face, then enter the dreaded "Buy a Respawn" mode and instantly start to hate the game - it kills all immersion and fun.
I'm fully hoping someone in here will jump in and tell me my build sucks, I suck and "do X" which is hopefully something basic that I'm missing. Because I really, really want to play this game and like it! There's enough going on there where I hope I'm missing something basic that's making me so fragile or easy to be mopped all over the floor. Because I really don't want to give up on this one, but I think I might have to if I'm not missing something (all the glowing praise can't be from people who are having the same experience as I am).