Klumpen0815: After an hour they are finished now, but the next guys (air system) are coming soon, so I have to abdicate from the tea until those are finished too.
LaPtiteBete: Wow, all will be done at the same time... it's cool. We'll keep a mug of warm tea safe for you !
CarrionCrow: No complaints, I'm the only one they trust with such jobs when they want to go out of town for any length of time.
Other than a cat who wanted to make me a nervous wreck by staying out three-fourths of the night in a heavy storm, it all went smoothly.
Sounds like you had a pretty mellow weekend, that's good. =)
I've been playing Dawn of War 2, a game I actually enjoy for the most part.
Trying to get the current 6 or 7 items wiped out before Hotline Miami 2 can be downloaded on the 10th.
LaPtiteBete: Phew... glad the cat did'nt disappear... are you allowed to a percentage loss, since they are so many animals in the house ? :-p
I don't know Dawn of War ... obviously it's not on GOG :)
Hotline Miami... is it good ? visually reminds me of GTA 2 type of game... ^^
-laughs- No, I need to keep things at 100 percent.
The dogs are annoying sometimes, but they mean well, and the cats are all very sweet, despite the expectation you get with felines.
I figure Dawn of War won't be here until GOG can manage to get Sega on board. Would be good, but I think Sega will need to lose more money from Sonic before they're willing to play ball.
In my opinion, Hotline Miami is an excellent game. Bizarre, gory, a fantastic soundtrack and you get to run around mangling people while wearing an owl mask. =)
And the second in the series is looking to be even better. Pre-ordering that one was a no-brainer for me.