Posted June 29, 2016

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

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From France

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

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Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 29, 2016

I guess I'm one of those odd few that ranks Kinzie above most of the other Saints, Pierce is okay for the most part, Gat has his moments (and I do generally like him)...Shaundi leans toward annoying me for the most part. Maybe it's because Kinzie has more of a "backstory" when compared to the others? Gat has a long history with the boss but Pierce and Shaundi joined early in the 2nd game with no backstory at all provided, the other Saints were mostly one and dones.
Or maybe I like her because she's fairly similar to Fred on Angel? haha
What's on your playlist, still playing Dex? I spent an hour or two in that one and really liked it, it just got bumped down off the "currently playing" list for Gat Out of Hell.
Gat is a leftover from when the series was trying for serious storytelling. He ends up being your friend after you start out in 1, his girlfriend gets killed by a rival gang leader in the midst of the Saints' overall gang war. There's an actual character there.
But if you started by playing 3, it's wacky screwing around fun time, and Gat's backstory and connection to the main character gets buried in the massive tonal shift. But the developers seemed to want to drag it along, even after their series was totally, totally different and it didn't fit anymore.
Saints Row really is two very different series with the same name.
Thankfully she's not like end of Angel Fred...=X
After grabbing a bunch of rental stuff, it's now a combo of all the old stuff, including things like Dex and Darkest Dungeon, along with new items like Batman Arkham Asylum, Borderlands The Pre-Sequel, Sakura Dungeon, Contradiction, silly stuff like Panzermadels, and some interesting titles I hadn't really known about before the sale like Please Don't Touch Anything and Dark Fear.

Can't complain here. Up to my eyeballs in games, and looking at another 10 or more to add on before the sale ends.
Good morning. =)
-passes a big cup of tea over-
Hmm. Can't your office get you a desk that doesn't spin around? That seems like it'd be distracting...;)
Good morning. =)
It might be taking a bit, but the new windows will be worth it once they get the water balloon launchers attached.
No more getting gassed out by barbecues...
Post edited June 29, 2016 by CarrionCrow

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 29, 2016

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted June 29, 2016
Do you ever have a meeting with some specialists and sit there wondering if a few of them are even qualified for the job or if they are just patients that have escaped and think they are doctors?
Anyway, good morning, lovely people of Fred! I hope you are all having a nice Wednesday?
*hugs, waves, and tea*
Anyway, good morning, lovely people of Fred! I hope you are all having a nice Wednesday?
*hugs, waves, and tea*

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 29, 2016
Yeah, I like it. Two or three times of using it at most, and even a dim bulb should be able to get the hint.
Can't complain here. Ended up falling asleep way early, just woke up a little bit ago.
Trying to burn out the cobwebs while fiddling around online. Nothing too exciting.
Can't complain here. Ended up falling asleep way early, just woke up a little bit ago.
Trying to burn out the cobwebs while fiddling around online. Nothing too exciting.

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted June 29, 2016

Can't complain here. Ended up falling asleep way early, just woke up a little bit ago.
Trying to burn out the cobwebs while fiddling around online. Nothing too exciting.
Doesn't sound too bad. I managed to download the darn Shadow of Mordor by letting it download the entire night xD
Oh btw. Is the Press X to something something any good? It's EA so nothing for me right now but as a possible future rental :)

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 29, 2016

Anyway, good morning, lovely people of Fred! I hope you are all having a nice Wednesday?
*hugs, waves, and tea*
Yes, I've totally had that thought before, more than once.
Can't complain here, how're you doing today?

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted June 29, 2016

Anyway, good morning, lovely people of Fred! I hope you are all having a nice Wednesday?
*hugs, waves, and tea*
Well i had that feeling several times....
Everything's good here - what about you?

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 29, 2016

Doesn't sound too bad. I managed to download the darn Shadow of Mordor by letting it download the entire night xD
Oh btw. Is the Press X to something something any good? It's EA so nothing for me right now but as a possible future rental :)
It's cute for a bit. You can play through the whole thing in roughly half an hour.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted June 29, 2016

Yes, I've totally had that thought before, more than once.
Can't complain here, how're you doing today?
I am good, thank you. Just getting a few jobs done to help pass the time. It seems I am okay to start going back to work next week in stages, so that has really cheered me up as I was doing quite will before the pneumonia set me back.
How did you like the releases and demo yesterday?

Well i had that feeling several times....
Everything's good here - what about you?
I am glad to hear you are doing well. And since I am lazy, see my reply to Crow about how I am. And feel free to answer the question about the releases yesterday. :-)
*big lazy hug*