j0ekerr: In that case, I think I will just tell the legendary edition to do unspeakable things to itself and bu...
rent the vanilla version.
Out of curiosity, what is its biggest problem? Aside from it's clunky FPP combat system?
CarrionCrow: No consequences to anything.
Choices don't matter. (You can kill the emperor while working for the empire and noone gives a rat's ass on any side. You can work for every evil entity in the game, committing murders, ritually sacrificing your buddies, and it means nothing.)
It ends up being one incredibly samey cave exploration after another after another after another.
The towns have no feeling of life to them, just the same recycled crap.
Dragons lose novelty after you're so powered up that you can kill two or three at a time without breaking a sweat.
You'll spend dozens of hours doing nothing but organizing inventory, which is made worse by the inventory system being a pile of shit.
That's what comes to mind right off the bat.
The SkyUI mod fixes the inventory problem and is a must have for anyone wanting to play Skyrim. Really though, a fully modded up Skyrim with Dawnguard and Dragonborn is a pretty decent game in its own right. It still has a weak story/main quest that can be pretty boring at times. I usually just ended with just treating the game as an exploration/rpg hybrid and went off the road to wander the lands of Skyrim and creating my own story for my character.
FoxySage: I only know FFT from watching
this let's play of it. Though seems quite enjoyable.
penumbren: FF Tactics is very different from the portable ones. The storyline is much more serious and I think longer, although to be honest, I have terrible luck with all of the Tactics games and have never beaten any of them. They tend to get lost, misplaced, or have bad things happen to saves. I think I'm just not really meant to play them, which is a shame because I really like them.
That just seems like a plus in my book, plus from what i've seen of the combat mechanics. It seems quite fun to tweak various classes and see what works and what don't.
FoxySage: That sounds like the kind of crazy thing i'd try out just to see if i could do it. *laughs*
penumbren: It's quite a challenge, and it's just about the most coin-grinding you'll ever do in an RPG. White Mages in FF can actually fight and do decent damage, but only "decent," compared to, say, "amazing," and their armor ALWAYS sucks. I suspect four Black Mages would be more expensive only because you'd have to keep stocked on potions at all times; with White Mages, you can let that go somewhat.
Yup, definitely sounds like something i'd try. Sounds a like what it'd be like having an all mage party in DA: Origins with Shapeshifter/Spirit healer specializations. Except it'd be a little easier since they'd still have access to good damage spells and ocmbos.
Still quite frustrating since shapeshifter is the worst specialization in that game dealing weak melee damage and can't use spells while transformed.