Vnlr: Well, I can understand it getting on your nerves a bit in that case. Na regen komt zonneschijn I guess...
Haha, same thing here. Belgium's a mess of a stew when considered politically. And there are, by "merit" of our partycracy a lot of total incompetents in offices where incompetents really don't belong. And they are all from different parties too, so instead of the incompetents governing like a government should they turn governing and decisionmaking into a vote farming and mutual slandering campaign... It would be hilarious (and it is in that odd stale cynical way), if they weren't supposed to be running a nation.
I'll just vote for the marxists again next time. I like marxism, and not many people vote for them, so it'll be a vote wasted. Which is just fine with me, considering the alternative... :D
Politics aside, that games/books etc blacklist is really preposterous. I can only guess (and hope) that GOG was pushed into it by a less idealist outside force...
Hopefully :)
Well that's modern democracy (or Post-democracy) in a globalised late-capitalist world in a nutshell....
Fair enough....well doing it like in the Saramago novel [url=]Seeing [/url] would be another alternative :P
Well they always claim that it's not in their hands...and at least in case of the Bethesda game it was demanded by Bethesda but i think they're just overly cautious - it's not like the
BPjM can do much against GOG...
FearfulSymmetry: *waves and hugs*
Woohoo, I'm super happy! I got a decent grade for my internship after all even after that terrible lesson visit. And now I'm all done with university for the summer. :D
\o/ *big celebrational hugs*
Congrats :D
And enjoy your holidays now - slightly envious here about that :P