superstande: I read that they hired Hideo Kojima to help at some point... Perhaps that didn't help...
So it sucked?
Hopefully there were some good parts at least.
CarrionCrow: It was up and down the whole time, until I got to the last few levels and it nosedived straight into the ground.
Ookay... Well... *tries to think something positive about it* ... If you find some masterpiece to play in the near future, it will feel like really awesome compared to that Lords of Shadows :)
superstande: But you gave your muscles a workout and all that. Which is healthy. So there's that. Unless you're going for the whole Arnold look :P
Fairfox: Wee-eell, no muscles today, just elliptical. Muscles tomorrowz! I hope I don't look like Arnold tho, considering :O.
Imma eat some sushi 'n' salad later, to hopefully counter butter 'n' sugar badness.
*googles elliptical*
Oh, looks futuristic! Cool. Not sure what it does though :)
Yeah, sushi is supposed to be quite healthy. Hard to come by, good sushi, is. In many parts of the world, that is.