Posted February 14, 2015
Okay... First of all...
I am currently laughing my ass off like a freaking maniac... I think I might have literally woken up everyone in the house...
No shit - loudest I have laughed all week. Thank you, sir.
On a less weird and disgusting note...
Good afternoon, feathery friend! *big hug*
Glad you got some good rest. I hope the rest of the day treats you well :-)
CarrionCrow: Maybe so, but I'd feel badly doing that myself.
Besides, I'd rather save the vomit for good things, like someone gushing about the shiny rock they were given, someone who doesn't notice my rolling eyes and rapidly vanishing patience.
The trick is the timing.
You know you're going to vomit, you've got that queasiness going on and the person still won't take the hint and shut up, so what you have to do is create a proper opening.
When they finally stop to take a breath, you have to go with something subtle, but effective.
Something along the lines of, "Good thing you got the jewelry, it's probably going to be all you get, given the combo of you having the inherent sex appeal of a decaying rhino corpse and the fact that your significant other just spent the afternoon giving your sister asshole herpes."
When their jaw starts to drop? THAT'S when you throw up. Make sure to arc properly, and it'll go right in their mouth.
Like I said. Timing. ;)
What the effing fuck?!? Besides, I'd rather save the vomit for good things, like someone gushing about the shiny rock they were given, someone who doesn't notice my rolling eyes and rapidly vanishing patience.
The trick is the timing.
You know you're going to vomit, you've got that queasiness going on and the person still won't take the hint and shut up, so what you have to do is create a proper opening.
When they finally stop to take a breath, you have to go with something subtle, but effective.
Something along the lines of, "Good thing you got the jewelry, it's probably going to be all you get, given the combo of you having the inherent sex appeal of a decaying rhino corpse and the fact that your significant other just spent the afternoon giving your sister asshole herpes."
When their jaw starts to drop? THAT'S when you throw up. Make sure to arc properly, and it'll go right in their mouth.
Like I said. Timing. ;)
I am currently laughing my ass off like a freaking maniac... I think I might have literally woken up everyone in the house...
No shit - loudest I have laughed all week. Thank you, sir.
On a less weird and disgusting note...
Good afternoon, feathery friend! *big hug*
Glad you got some good rest. I hope the rest of the day treats you well :-)