zeogold: In theory, you could move for a limited period of time, say every X amount of months for X time period, in order to get temporary relief. With the job with more pay, you could possibly afford better medicine.
I can't afford to move that often. For an individual like myself there is no trained work to be had & instead would suffer a loss in wages because the resulting work would be menial
My work (I'm actually trained in computer stuff) depends on large centers; the larger the better.
A small town such as that exampled contains minimal communication opportunities & instead rely on more physical jobs such as transportation, hunting & providing of food or supplying of fuel or goods to others near by.
zeogold: So you simply prefer to live in areas that activate your allergies? That might be a kind of hard one to convince the courts on, in that case.
"I want you to kill me because I refuse to move to a different area."
Counter argument:
"I was born in the town I now live; it would be cruel to make me leave the area I have become accustomed to where it's almost as if you're confining me to a cell. I have broken no laws & taken reasonable & affordable steps to
mediate the condition. The condition is still causing excessive discomfort & show no signs of alleviating. To me this define irremediable."
(In my case despite the anti-allergens I've had flu like symptoms for the last 4 days however I will be taking additional steps tomorrow I hope based on $$... I actually do have a couple other pills I can be taking I just keep forgetting to see if medical can pay for them right now.)
zeogold: Stranded and outcast? Perhaps I misremember, but don't you have a family? They wouldn't come with you?
Plus, since you mentioned there are others, I'm sure that you would make at least one or two friends out of your neighbors.
My significant other would likely choose to make that relocation yes; however my other family members most likely could not (too remote) & not sure I'd want my parents there anyways. :-p Extended family would probably just make it a point to call once a week.
zeogold: So a....Linux e-book? With 43% more Canadian-ness? Gotcha.
Well the firmware is probably linux kernel with busybox or something but I haven't actually checked.
Chapters is also American but supports Canada a bit more than Amazon ya. :-p
zeogold: Go for it. I love debates like this as well. Heck, if you want to bring up any such subject for this purpose, my chat's open 24/7. I'll debate just about anything, and can take whatever side you like.
Cool... I put it in the general chat thread because I'm interested in seeing what arguments various people with various back grounds make on either side.
JunglePredator: A woman who wanted to terminate her life took the government (now voted out of office since last year) to the supreme court over not being allowed to let herself be terminated while in the hospital.
zeogold: Really, this is the only way in which I can see the law, in a practical sense, taking effect. You'd have to be in a condition in which you are physically incapable of taking your own life, which, assuming you are not currently in such a condition that you're ALREADY physically dying, you would not be with allergies.
...of course, this sort of action would not be encouraged in any sense of the word, but I'm just pointing out the way the court could see it.
She wanted to do it in a "nice" manner with her family's support & with in the law.
She was fully capable of taking her own life however she chose not to & instead sought a law that would give her support.
The law doesn't actually state you MUST be dying merely that it is "a grievous and irremediable medical condition".
It was already established within our law that this does not mean terminal. Grievous is open to debate here.
Allergies for instance can: reduced chances of finding a life long mate, cause temporary blindness (eyes swollen shut), cause physical distress in the form of being unable to breath, cause pain (in my case I also have eczema & have had periods where I cannot resist scratching that it's gotten to the point of causing myself to bleed from scratching the skin off), excessive tiredness due to the physical energy expended (such as violent prolonged sneezing).
Basically it's been established that the wording is very specific here. The judge must consider non-physical conditions such as mental states such as depression as potentially grievous& that a lot of personal preferences comes into it since "irremediable means that the condition cannot be alleviated by means acceptable to the person".
The judge cannot throw the law but only decide on a specific case; in this case allergies being so horrendous that the person would prefer death to suffering symptoms everyday & that the person is in their right mind to make this choice; not being forced by any outside circumstance such as someone telling them they'd be better off dead. Lack of money is not something the judge can consider since the judge can't really force anyone else to give the person a job. Otherwise we wouldn't have homeless people.