superstande: Thank you :)
I tried to do a bit of cheesing but wasn't too good at it.
In the end I won fairly, though it was mostly a trial-and-error couple of hours to see what works best.
But damn did it feel good to watch them bad boys go down ;)
You took the noble path. When I played, I found one hell of an exploit, one that I was surprised was permitted.
The last boss died from being buried by skeletons. -laughs-
ElTerprise: Hey Crow :)
Sounds good - not the countless attempts though ;)
Yes...exactly :P
Well some places in Eastern Germany are quite dry...for example Brandenburg ;)
(Ye olde Margraviate of Brandenburg was known as the sandbox of the Holy Roman Empire ^^)
That's the name of the game. Practice until you're ready to scream, get lucky, win, repeat the process with a new, harder level.
I did not know that. At least now, if you ever freak out and say you're going to live in the desert as a hermit, I'll know where to find you. ;P
FearfulSymmetry: Whooooo, my master's dissertation is done! Well, okay, I have one more meeting with my supervisor tomorrow, so some tiny things might still change, but other than that ... At last! :P
Way to go, Fearful lady. =) That alone is a huge accomplishment, let alone doing it with everything else you've had going on.