akhliber: Question for you... is one required to use a microphone/headset to play multiplayer in something like this or Terraria? I've been wanting to try Terraria something awful (and have considered asking you guys when you play and if you'd mind a newcomer who doesn't know what he's doing) but I'm really not a big fan of talking on phones/headsets/mics etc... would do it if necessary probably, but would be excited if text conversations can be had in-game. How do you guys handle communication? Chat in-game? Headsets or Skype or some such? I'm such a stranger to multiplayer in general, but I think it may be the only way I'd ever really learn the ropes of Starbound or Terraria... too complicated for me to remember all the things. :)
Well, when we started playing we were just using the ingame chat in Terraria. But well, needing to stop somewhere to write or read was sometimes not the smartest idea because we died :D
So the last sessions we changed to Teamspeak to have voicechat, which actually added to the fun when playing. At least in my opinion.