ddickinson: I wonder if we will get a weekend sale, or if the promo will drag on until next week.
Also, ELT, get to work using your mad scientist skills to make a food transporter. I just baked some tasty
Welsh cakes. And it is really sad that I can't share some of them with the lovely people of Fred. So stop wasting time pretending you are German and get to making the food transporter. :-)
*big silly hug*
AgentBirdnest: Just... seriously?
On Monday, my doc's assistant tells me to change my med dose, and get my blood tested on Thursday. He tells me that he called the order in, and I can just go to the clinic to get my blood drawn. So today, I go to the clinic, check in, and... there is no order. Of course. Actually, they have not even
heard of my doctor (who supposedly even spends one day a week working at this clinic) >__ô
It's not a big deal, really... the meds have just given me enough trouble already, so it's annoying to have yet another little thing... [/rant]
ddickinson: *big comforting hug*
I just hope he doesn't try to learn to speak Welsh, those pronunciations could kill a non-native.