ddickinson: My full answer. Sorry for my short answer before, I just wanted to quickly say that your game was up.
I do know what you mean. I hope you will be able to figure out how to expand upon it more. Taking a break and working on the next chapter sounds like a good idea. That way you can come back to it with a fresher mind.
I am sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up and lift your spirits a little?
I have been better, not a very good day at all for me health wise. But I am trying to keep myself busy with a few things around the house and chatting on here. I fear things will get a little worse over the next few days, but nothing to worry about. I have my ups and downs.
*big comforting hug*
I appreciate it. :)
Yep, hopefully that'll give me some new insights. Unfortunately I'm going to have to start work on this next chapter almost immediately, since we agreed on April 4th as a hand-in date. :P Oh well.
Just being here and talking to all of you is already a pretty good distraction. :P Don't worry, my frustration will pass soon enough. I guess it's just combining with the fact that I'm extremely tired from teaching three classes without the presence of my coach yesterday, which means that everything is hitting a little harder. :P I'll just go to bed early tonight and it'll sort itself out.
Sorry to hear that, hopefully it will improve a bit for tonight. *shoots a stern look at DD's health issues* *big hug to help you get through the next few days* Hopefully this is just a temporary low and it won't last long. :(
*more hugs*
superstande: Alright, sounds okay then. Just don't forget the deadline :)
and congrats for grabbing Pillars :)
There's no way I'd manage that! :) But not to worry, I think the deadline is not until June-ish. And thanks. :)
How are you doing? Have you grabbed anything in the sale?