Ixamyakxim: I think the only answer is then... family weekend beach cottage rental! ;) With a private puppy beach. Assuming no mother in law issues of course! ;)
I know people that love their in-laws more than their parents... and I know my sister who would ring the nec... er... nevermind ;)
Haha. No in-law issues here. Her parents are crazy, but more so the good kind of crazy. ;) Oh man, growing up, my sisters (both older than myself) and I would fight like nobody's business.
We'll likely hang out at her parents' house and just relax with some beer. And they usually do some giant seafood cookout type thing, with all sorts of seabugs and other weird wonders from the ocean. :)
akhliber: I hope you are all well today! Been playing Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky and really enjoying it. Sarge is super sleepy today, so I've gotten some good cleaning and some good leisure time in. :)
CarrionCrow: Good afternoon, and happy birthday to your entire household. =)
Now that you've said that, you're going to turn around and the puppy's going to be wide awake, ready to run, play and generally wear you out. ;)
Hello, and thanks! And yes, you are right, amusingly enough. Soon as I got up go make a drink, he started following me around with a toy in his mouth. Haha. Letting him play with a kong with a few treats in it, then I suppose it's time to head outside for some play time. :)