akhliber: Absolutely enough reason to live in Florida. :) And no worries at all, I'm quite consistently awful at catching up on what I've missed. I partially answered your question above, but only as an edit after the fact. :)
I'm doing quite well! It's about time for me to schedule another round of botox injections in my whatever-valve in my stomach, but oddly enough I've just come out of a pretty rough sick fit that I honestly figured would last until I got that done again. Sometimes this weird illness business just likes to take a vacation, and I'm quite happy with that.
I've been doing really well upstairs this morning as well, in great spirits and really excited about making some changes in life that had had me quite down for some time (I guess I've moved from the "wow, things aren't where they should be" stage to the "oh crap, that means something can be done about it!" stage, which feels quite nice.)
I'm sorry to hear you're not doing too well today. I hope you are able to get some good rest and relief soon!
I am glad to hear you are doing well, and that your health problems are being at least a little nice to you at the moment. And it is great to hear things are progressing in other areas as well, taking charge of things and making changes is great to hear. Often challenging, but always worth the hard work. Good luck with it all, the changes and the health issues.
No need to worry, I have my bad days, a little too often recently, but nothing to worry about. My sleep has been pretty messed up, I am definitely not getting enough, mostly a few naps here and there, which is not good, as it takes its toll on my health, but there is a lot going on at the moment and that tends to prevent me relaxing and getting some decent sleep. But nothing to worry about.
Yezemin: I'm not sure what to think. It reminds me a little of This War of Mine which is not my cup of tea. On the other hand I generally like post-apocalyptic settings. I'll probably have to have a closer look to decide.
I remember seeing a video of the game a little while ago. It is not really my kind of game, but I seem to recall it was very highly praised. But I could be mistaken, it was some time ago.