Empress_Owl: Hm.... maybe i used a wrong translation (?)
I mean, I configure a fire modeling (?) software (entering data as : buildings size and materials, what kind of stuff they content and in which amounts...), and then, the software makes calculations and gives me back some ugly graphics with different colors, each correspond to different heat-flows risk areas... (i don't feel like i'm being clear at all).
No, not at all. You didn't do anything wrong. I didn't know what exactly you were modeling, and the thought of you sitting there painting little plastic bits in shades of red, orange and yellow is what first came to mind.
That makes sense. You run scenarios to see which sections of buildings will be most damaged by fire, based on the components of those buildings.
(If that's incorrect, it's not you, it's just me not getting the concept. It happens a fair bit. ;) )
moonshineshadow: Yep, the "just go and die" response :D
I know it well. Used to do that with Meat Boy from time to time until my mind cracked a little and I stopped doing anything but almost subconsciously learning death by death how to alter my reaction time to the point that I didn't die anymore.