ddickinson: I thought that is who the avatar would have been after hearing you mention the game. I am glad that you enjoyed it, I know Agent and Owl are looking forward to playing it soon.
Glad to hear you are doing fine, and you are bound to be tired after all the evens from yesterday. Hopefully you will be back to feeling good as new in no time.
I am feeling good today, thank you. I feel much better than yesterday, even though today I have some shoulder pains from it all, but I got my latests results back and all is going well, so that has made me quite happy to hear.
*big hug*
Yep, a Wadjet Eye game is always a treat for me, and I think they feel the same way. :)
I'm sure it'll be okay soon. :) This semester is quite busy, but at least after this academic year I'll be done with most of the English-related stuff and I'll be able to focus completely on teaching-related business. So hopefully things should be a bit quieter in a few months too.
So good to hear that! I'm happy your results were okay, that's excellent news. :D
*more hugs*
ElTerprise: You're welcome :)
Thank you and god to hear - that sounds super annoying ....
I don't know - seems like their usual MO. Might be since the introduction of Two-step verification and the HTTPS stuff...but i'm not sure about that.
Yeah, I'll bet it has something to do with the HTTPS thing. Dumb GOG, always breaking everything ...
Empress_Owl: Already ????? Ô____Ô **stunned**
I am the master point-and-clicker! Mwahahaha! All shall look on me in sheer and utter amazement!
But yes. I didn't have class today and I couldn't really focus on school work, so I figured I'd just keep playing.
How are you doing, Owl? *big hug* Did you ever get my chat message?