ddickinson: Construction paper porn? O_O
So you are saying all the other porn is Moons? I think someone will be in trouble when she reads that. :-)
(I think you did it correctly. And "Someone Else's" does not set of my spellcheck. Maybe you Americans changed the spelling for some silly reason. :-))
I think the last game I played by a single developer was Dust And Elysian Tail, which I really loved, and you could see the effort and love put into the game.
Thank you for the lovely flowers. :-)
*bit thank you hug*
Hey, why not? Don't judge. Everyone has their thing, and mine is construction paper :-p
Yeah, I'm sure I'm going to be thrown in the oubliette for that one... (I was just kidding, Moon!! Sorry!! ,'','',',',',:-|)
But why would we need to change the spelling? There are no "u"s! Is it really spelled "soumeone eulse's" or something o__O?
I don't remember the last game I've played by a single developer... Fran Bow was made by two people. Lumino City is 2 or 3. VVVVVV was developed by one guy, but the music was done by someone else, so I'll count that :-)