Posted February 24, 2016

Egads, it's only wednesday and we have already a weekend promo? These things keep popping up earlier and earlier. I blame global warming.
I see a discussion on board games?
I'll geek it up even further by talking about BoH.
Hurm Shadows of Esteren is it? "Ars Magica meets Call of Cthulhu"?
I remain unimpressed.
I think GOG might be planning something, unless there's some holiday thing that they're giving everyone at GOG Central time off for.
The intensely lame shred of optimism I possess wants me to think Insomnia's coming, but logically, the odds are pretty frigging low.
Not exactly latching onto that bundle either. Already up to my eyeballs and nearing burnout on anything fantasy-related.
Oh, it definitely helps. You saw the pile. It gets a bit tough to narrow things down at times.
Post edited February 24, 2016 by CarrionCrow