Posted February 08, 2016

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016

**happily dive in the fressh coffee wading pool** ... thanks !! this is more than needed on a monday morning... :) I'm on holidays, but i have a few things to do for work anyway... i hope i'll find some courage.
How are you ?
You'll get it. Just pace yourself, don't kick yourself thinking you need to clear more, more, more when you're already doing your best.
Doing all right here aside from the whole internet dying with no explanation whatsoever thing. Going back and forth on whether to get pills to help me stop smoking, that's about it for anything new or different.

Don't be sad. Like I've explained to the roommates, once you're used to being linked into pretty much everything on the planet all the time, it doesn't feel right when you get disconnected from it.
Also, you're going to have to tell me about Mustard Bucket at some point. Didn't know they were putting out another game so soon. ;)
Post edited February 08, 2016 by CarrionCrow

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 08, 2016
Hi people of the thread. I hope you're all doing well? :) *big hugs*

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016
I figure the same thing happens to hardcore readers when their books suddenly die for a few hours. ... that's a terrible analogy. Anyway, you're right. I imagine I'd adjust to the internet being down after a couple of weeks, but that first 14-day shock would probably kill me first :-p

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 08, 2016
I just finished replaying Shadowrun: Hong Kong. Now I'm heading into the new mini-campaign ... :)

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016
Good evenoon, Ms Metry! :-) *extra-big hug*
Well enough to talk here, and even enough to jump rope. How about yourself? Has the recovery been going nicely?
That's another motivation of mine to hurry and finish Dragonfall. I saw that Hong Kong was updated, and I wanna play it really badly :-)
Well enough to talk here, and even enough to jump rope. How about yourself? Has the recovery been going nicely?
That's another motivation of mine to hurry and finish Dragonfall. I saw that Hong Kong was updated, and I wanna play it really badly :-)
Post edited February 08, 2016 by AgentBirdnest

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 08, 2016

Well enough to talk here, and even enough to jump rope. How about yourself? Has the recovery been going nicely?
That's another motivation of mine to hurry and finish Dragonfall. I saw that Hong Kong was updated, and I wanna play it really badly :-)
It's as expected, except that I managed to catch the flu on top of it. Which wouldn't be so bad if I had time to be ill, but I don't really. :P Tomorrow I'm heading to the school where I'll be working for my internship, so I kind of have no choice but to go ... Oh well, painkillers all the way!
Definitely fewer bugs this time around. Note to self: do not play a game just after it's been released. :P Haha, I quite enjoy the Shadowrun games, though. They have a certain kind of charm.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016
Good evening. =)
Can't complain too much here. How've you been doing post-surgery?
Crap...planning to do the same thing since they put out the new campaign, but haven't gotten to it yet. You're fast. ;P
AgentBirdnest: I figure the same thing happens to hardcore readers when their books suddenly die for a few hours. ... that's a terrible analogy. Anyway, you're right. I imagine I'd adjust to the internet being down after a couple of weeks, but that first 14-day shock would probably kill me first :-p That works if the person reads everything on an e-reader and it died.
-laughs- Yeah, I know what you mean. A few hours in, it was a tricky thing to not start shaking the modem, demanding that it start working again.
Can't complain too much here. How've you been doing post-surgery?
Crap...planning to do the same thing since they put out the new campaign, but haven't gotten to it yet. You're fast. ;P

-laughs- Yeah, I know what you mean. A few hours in, it was a tricky thing to not start shaking the modem, demanding that it start working again.
Post edited February 08, 2016 by CarrionCrow

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 08, 2016

Can't complain too much here. How've you been doing post-surgery?
Crap...planning to do the same thing since they put out the new campaign, but haven't gotten to it yet. You're fast. ;P
More like bored. :P I still have trouble concentrating so working/reading useful stuff/keeping up prolonged conversations has been a bit hard. Gaming has been something of a distraction, somehow it's easier to focus on the light entertainment. I also played through Bioshock Infinite last week and quite enjoyed it (for being a first-person shooter, which is a genre I don't always like).

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016

It's as expected, except that I managed to catch the flu on top of it. Which wouldn't be so bad if I had time to be ill, but I don't really. :P Tomorrow I'm heading to the school where I'll be working for my internship, so I kind of have no choice but to go ... Oh well, painkillers all the way!
Definitely fewer bugs this time around. Note to self: do not play a game just after it's been released. :P Haha, I quite enjoy the Shadowrun games, though. They have a certain kind of charm.
Of course you have the flu 9__9 ... Good Gog, you poor lady... *extra-big comforting hug with blankets and soup*
Yeah, "charm" is the best word I can think of for Shadowrun. Something I can't quite explain that I really like.

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 08, 2016

Of course you have the flu 9__9 ... Good Gog, you poor lady... *extra-big comforting hug with blankets and soup*
Yeah, "charm" is the best word I can think of for Shadowrun. Something I can't quite explain that I really like.
I'm a pretty good example of Murphy's Law. The last time I got that (minor) surgery I also got the flu afterwards. :P *thank you hug*
Me too. I mean, all of the games are kind of same-y, but in a way I don't mind. Somehow I really like the setting and the art style. And the combat (although I'm a wimp so I play on low difficulties).

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016

More like bored. :P I still have trouble concentrating so working/reading useful stuff/keeping up prolonged conversations has been a bit hard. Gaming has been something of a distraction, somehow it's easier to focus on the light entertainment. I also played through Bioshock Infinite last week and quite enjoyed it (for being a first-person shooter, which is a genre I don't always like).
I'm glad the distraction's been there, at least. Hopefully you'll be able to recover quickly so you're back to normal, no impairment to deal with.

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 08, 2016

I'm glad the distraction's been there, at least. Hopefully you'll be able to recover quickly so you're back to normal, no impairment to deal with.
Yep, it's been nice getting lost in games for a bit. And thanks! I hope so too, especially as I'll be starting my internship in the coming weeks. I'm definitely looking forward to that, but I'd prefer to have some of my energy back before I teach a rowdy class full of school kids. :P
How about you? Have you been playing anything fun?

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016

I'm a pretty good example of Murphy's Law. The last time I got that (minor) surgery I also got the flu afterwards. :P *thank you hug*
Me too. I mean, all of the games are kind of same-y, but in a way I don't mind. Somehow I really like the setting and the art style. And the combat (although I'm a wimp so I play on low difficulties).
Yeah, I could have sworn I was giving you a blanket and soup just a couple of months ago. Hopefully this doesn't become a trend. I don't want to have to give you any more blankets!! >:-p (Hihihi, that sounds so mean...)
Yes... the atmosphere just works for me. From the art style, to the music, to the street slang. Even little things like the character's names. And the way that the dialog narration is written is quite good. It really gets me immersed in the world.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016

Yep, it's been nice getting lost in games for a bit. And thanks! I hope so too, especially as I'll be starting my internship in the coming weeks. I'm definitely looking forward to that, but I'd prefer to have some of my energy back before I teach a rowdy class full of school kids. :P
How about you? Have you been playing anything fun?
You're very welcome. Trying to get work done while you're feeling badly on more than one level can't be much fun.
Are tasers legal for personal use in the Netherlands? Not saying you should zap students outright, but it might be useful just in case...;)
I have been "playing" Duke Nukem Forever. I put playing in air quotes since "playing" it certainly doesn't feel playful, it damn sure isn't fun and I just want it to end. Think I have about two and a half levels and that reeking example of why some things shouldn't be resurrected will be done. (Aside from the DLC, because I am an idiot and actually purchased it.)
Beyond that, I've got over 15 percent of my library loaded up, figure I'll pick out something that's actually good.